Ehehe ca marche!! :] merci beaucoup !
Ah bah oui ... :p je vous dit ca
Alors j'ai re telecharg? et maintenant ca me dit: There are 64 bit WoW processes running, did you start from the WoW launcher? If so, please start...
Merci ! :) je vais essayer ca !
Bonjour je viens de relancer le programme et un message d'erreur saffiche: Vous n'avez pas selectionn? une instance valide de WoW ? laquelle...
I'm sorry but i dont understand all i dont speak english rly good
ah !! thks u i'll see if its work next lvl :) ty again !!
Hello i would like to know if somebody here could help me by saying me how i can prevent my pal to go to city buy the new spell every 2 lvl . thks :)
its do not work i upload a version for dwarf i'll bring my human there. thanks for help:)
u downloaded the update ?
u must restart it
thanks i found the solution, i was in full screen ^^
Hello i created a human paladin he is lvl 13 and i download here a file to lvl 1-60 when i open file from the default profile (maybe its here...
Yo, i'm not able to use it cuz it saying me : " You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!" is smbdy could help me !? Thnks...
Separate names with a comma.