ShopExchangeCurrency.CanAfford is always returning 0 foreach (var i in SpecialShopManager.Items) { Log(i);...
Not a bug, but the retainer list got changed from selectstring to its own unique ui.
trying to use this on the yellow crafter scrip exchanger for Gyr Abanian Alchemic: ShopExchangeCurrency.CanAfford is always returning 0 for all...
AgentHousingBuddyList.Feed isn't doing anything at the stables
Not sure if this is the right place, but requesting the 2 prima vista zones get meshed (Zone ID: 735 and 736)
GardenManager.Plant is only selecting soil and not the seeds
AgentHousingBuddyList.Feed isn't working, it's not doing anything as far as I can tell
With the beta, if I cap fps in game client to 15 or 30 fps and use rb64, the game client becomes choppy, locking up for a second every 5s or so....
Trying to climb Heaven-on-High in Ruby Sea: [18:00:04.206 N] Requesting path on 613 from <49.01539, 2.042272, -589.9998> to <79.42322, 33.00897,...
I'm having some trouble with the following code snippet for flight. while (Location.Distance2D(Core.Player.Location) > Radius)...
TripleTriHard is included in the download but doesn't compile. Is it still functional outside of the navigation?
GameObject.CanAttack is always returning false. The composite returned by CreateBrain is also clearing Kill POIs thinking they're dead when the...
CommonTasks.SellItem isn't doing anything, item never leaves inventory.
Does WorldManager.Teleport use the same index order as AvailableLocations?
Separate names with a comma.