Non je pensais ?galement que c'?tait ma RAM mais je voulais en ?tre sure et tu n'as fais que confirmer =)
Bha ?coutes je cherchais de l'aide et j'ai eu confirmation que c'?tait ma Ram ^^ C'est super je te remercie beaucoup je vais mettre mon panneau...
Je fonctionne sous windows 7 familiale. Tu penses donc que je manque de ram alors ? Et si je repassais sous XP je pourrais ne plus avoir le m?me...
Bonjour, Intel core i5 750 @ 2,67 GHz 2 Go de ram Systeme exploitation 32 bits ATI Radeon HD 5700 S'il t'en faut plus y'a qu'? demander,...
HB tr?s lent (R?solu) Bonjour ? la communaut?, je me rappatris ici car j'ai eu beau poster 3 posts sur le forum anglais, j'ai jamais eu de...
I still have the same problem since the last release. My wow is so slow when I'm running HB don't relly know what to do, please if someone can...
I still have a big problem of lagg, anyone with the same?
I don't know if it's been answered before but i don't know why my hb is lagging so bad : It pulls a mob, and then freeze and then 4 sec later the...
I don't have any EnablePlugin.cs & DisablePlugin.cs
Ok I will, thank you =)
When i arrived to borean and launched HB it says that i don't have enableplugin.cs, what am I supposed to do? [ATTACH]
Thank you for your help, I did reinstall HB and it works fine until now, gj =)
Every time i have this error HB stops working. Don't understand, plz help me =) [ATTACH]
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