Pet Battles...leveling/farming pets
Bones sells anywhere from 1g to 2g. On a level 100 you can farm 1.5k bones an hr plus pets and trash. Pets alone vendor for 62g. You go the...
Updates fine but I get this window that pops up about an error occuring I've uploaded a screen shot, don't know if I did it right or not....
You get stuck at level90...xp bar goes all the way to 99% at 90 and stops there. Best way to gear your level 90 with WoD Trial is to run...
Very frustrating trying to get them profiles to run. I tried running Kara and TK weekly farm but it takes me to Northrend then bot would stop....
From my experience as a botter and gold seller, Blizz will IP ban for gold selling but only account/license ban for botting
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