You lose many bots to bans Cloudy? Just curious.
Heroics are better gph right?
Hmmm so that's around 30k per bot per day. I dono if i could get to that with one but it's a good target.
Playing the ah I'm very very new. I buy mats off ah and flip using honor buddy to post. It's been rather low investment. I'm not looking to...
What's a decent amount of gold per day to make with one bot? What would be considered good? God like? I'm running one bot making about 10k per...
I know that the cancel scan lag is a profession buddy issue but is there any fix in sight?
I'm getting the following error when generating a guild withdraw list with the beta site. Looks like the error is being generated for every...
Here's the error I reported earlier regarding some items not posting with appropriate tags in the beta generated files. To generate this error I...
AHbuddy has been posting ALL of my items rather than "AMOUNT" can someone help me understand what i'm doing wrong. Edit: okay so I fixed it by...
Hey Zak PM'ed you about 27 hours ago with my Paypal transaction ID. Please let me know how to get beta access. Thanks!
I'm having problems setting this up. I have the email with the verification code but I can't figure out where to put it in.
How will this work without flying in WOD?
Separate names with a comma.