My bags were not "Full" but there was not enough empty space to meet the requirements in the profile, but it still did not vendor. I tried it with...
Did a clean install in a new location. Repair started to work but the bot will not vendor. If the only way for it to reach the required minimal...
I broke all the armor and adjusted the profile so it would mail items right away. The profile was loaded at 23:38:04.715. All it did was mail the...
All add ons were disabled. I tried...
Hello, I am having a few issues with HB (Gatherbuddy). I am using version 2.5 r9652 Build 723. And tried multiple public profiles and my own. I...
Hello! I am having a few issues with Gatherbuddy2. I have tried multiple profiles posted on the forums, but not luck with any of them. The bot...
Trying the profile, and it is working great! Still only have low level flying so not as fast :'( Mailing works, however, I noticed that my guy is...
Separate names with a comma.