我使用飞行采集功能. 采集一段时间之后,角色总是飞向大海,然后疲劳,然后死亡. 如此,一遍又一遍. 以下是我的日志文件: [ATTACH]
Sorry,My English is not Good. I don't want my druid go to sea(ocean).But he like crazy. He (gather herb) is go to sea(ocean) and die again again...
Thank you. It's OK. I'am very happy.
today,I can't logging in bot in china. and I can't log on to Honorbuddy the Bot for World of Warcraft this web. we are three computer from...
today,I can't logging in bot in china. and I can't log on to Honorbuddy the Bot for World of Warcraft this web. we are three computer...
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