Hey ppl. every time i try to open my bot its saying :Max sessions, Authentcaition failed. last week i went here to download some new updates for...
its working realy nice :P
when my bot is lvling, and it wants to uce the flight patch, its just clicking on the flye man, and just standing with the flight map open, cna...
its lvl 11, but yeah it was might thta, i just restarted it, and its running as it should :P thanks for the help guys ;)
here you go
ehm, im not that good at computers, could you help me through teamviewer or something :P ?
[Singular] Casting Cat Form on Murloc Forager Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Murloc Forager Looting Murloc Forager Guid:0xF130002E003E2EB3 [Singular]...
im botting with a druid, but its changing in to cat form all the time, how do i change that ? so it just casts like a balance should ? -_-
i have downloaded the profiles etc, and wanna run it now, but its saying "Unable to evaluate/compile condition in If tag. Please check your...
at the Buddy Auth Portal, Keys its saying "Unused / Inactive" ? what can i do?
hmm, could you might help me ? i got teamviewer 7 :P
i just downloaded the honorboddy, and when i tryed to open it it was saying "Authentitacation failed ? what should i do ? O:
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