Dungeon with looms is the fastest. Don't level any tanks though you will get banned quick.
What kind of bots are you running?
What realm are you on? Us?
I would donate to make this private. I've noticed 4 people running this bot 24/7 on my realm. Hope it doesn't become a easy ban spot.
Its perfect awesome thank you.
Siggen it seems to only run to 4 hotspots that are 10 feet from each other and attacks the larva. 55.59 - 69.34 57.01 - 68.59 57.64 - 67.33...
Well 2 people doing your exact route believe me. You can tell.
I was farming there for a bit yesterday and I felt like it would be a faster profile. I was going against 3 other people using your profile for...
Siggen can you make a profile that only farms around 56.45 67.34. Like just those 6 ravagers.
How do I use a rotation to just attack something like a dummy. I figured i would just use combat bot and attack. Same with healing.I looked around...
I don't think theres ashrin premades anymore
I've leveled one to 100 using it. Half afk. Got stuck a couple time. Took a couple of days.
It took them 2 days to update it for 6.2. Why would a small patch take a couple days?
How do I do that. There is 1-12 and 12-60 or something like that.
NVm.. Clear cache I guese.
Separate names with a comma.