Sorry m8, latest update seems to have screwed things up - It will use barrage before Exp shot and Black arrow, and even cobra shot before Exp...
I see u posted a new revision - What's changed? And could you perhaps tell me which of the files contains the logic for priority and when to fire...
A simple thing perhaps, but I can't seem to get the button to turn off AoE no matter what I choose.
I seemed to have started getting bugs from revision 20 with it not using abilities.. is it working fine for u?
Thanks for the quick update. The thing is, during adds such as Horridon HC or Tortos, I then assume it wont use the Barrage or fervor, which...
Bugs It seems it wont use the new talents during the AoE routine Fervor is used straight away at pull(And we are not below 30 focus at that...
A request, if possible. Can some of the other spells be supported? Barrage is a really handy talent for a lot of the HC fights like Horridon...
Survival is really clunky atm. and not working that well. Will post a log when possible.
Can you add a use/don't use readiness button? Currently it will use readiness, when AoMC isn't on CD, if Rapid fire is used along with the...
If I click away my target, it will keep reaqquire the target despite me not wanting to attack it anymore - Such as when I hve to stop dps on a...
Take your time. I can't expect you to drop what you have in your hands for me :) As survival. I still use his old Bowman CC for BM.
Something u can share so I can play till Falldown's back? :)
I wouldn't say so - TuanH is mostly for PvP and if you look at his recent posts you'll see PvE doesn't seem have that high priority for him....
Aren't Lazyraider, Tyreal and Raidbot more or less the same thing? - Lazy raider has a raidbot mode as well.
Yes m8, I do, and your Bowman Beastmastery CC was simply awesome and rocked the meters for me, and that's the reason I keep checking out ur CC....
Separate names with a comma.