update from this SVN: (debug) hbrelog - Revision 126: /trunk/bin/Debug and say good bye to your problems
I don't recommend VMWare, since they all get banned too. (even with ***) VMWare will only eat your resources more and make things more complex and...
An update would be great, Apoc!
Bullshit. Who are you to claim that? I am making good money out of it, just like many others. You are simply WRONG.
This plugin will especially help people who are running multiple bots simultaneously, thats when organizing stuff matters.
Some of us do, actually. My 16 accounts are now farming $$$ as we speak. Why not everyone? First of all, it requires a lot of investment, both...
check 'sequental login' tickbox. or set a 1 second delay in options.
Good idea. I am also willing to pay for this. Or donate if it's free.
What about people who are using more than one account at the same time? I mean, if I start this plugin with my x6 accs, will there be seperate 6...
"Added Advanced settings to launch diablo as a different windows user" That's a great feature! But it doesnt work on win8 :( it says 'user not...
this! couldn't agree more.
Separate names with a comma.