The quest progress had some issues continuously recently that I have not seen last few months.. And finally my account is suspended for 6 months...
Currently I am having a problem in the quest "Mission:L Abyssal Shelf(Horde Side)" and I could not go further because it looks like a blizzard...
Thanks for your quote. I can not do it manually. The gryphon return to the NPC with that error message....
There is a serious quest bug on the "Mission: The Abyssal Shelf" at Reaver's Fall in Hellfire Peninsula Outland at level 58. After the toon took...
Thanks for your comment. Most of the time, I am away from my PC, and just see the status by remote control viewer outside my home from time to...
My toon is level 58, and currently at the Reaver's Fall in Hellfire Peninsula, Outland (coordinate 65,43). However, the error "Area 52 Special has...
Thank you for your prompt release to WoD 6.1 Patch, the new build 769 works fine with this patch. Great work!
Thank you, your comments are always practical and helpful.
Thanks for your reply. Is this a common type of bug in HB? I don't intend to criticize, I just wanted to keep in my memory for the future use.
Hi, My toon (Horde level 45) is tryting to turn-in a quest "Booty Duty" at Lost Rigger in Tanaris Kalimdor (coordinate 71,45), however he was...
Thanks for your comment. I will watch him until 94. The problem is that allies are keep hunting me down...:( And the toon is keep trying to get...
My toon (level 93) is keep hunting mobs at Gorgrond in Questing Mode, even the option kill between hotspots are off, and I couldn't see this kind...
A toon is trying to kill mob group and DIED AGAIN AND AGAIN... My Toon is keep trying to kill a group of monsters(not related with the main...
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