it is a pain to heal cm. routine ist atm really too slow and just forgets partymembers
after latest HB update routine seems very broken. playing holy is impossible
this works quit nice actually
Current rotation during <= 20% HP is: Heroic strike @ 110 Rage Bloodthirst Wildstrike on Proc. Dragon roar on NO CS, Blodbath enabled...
in my opinion the cc still uses execute not as often as it should be used under 20%, but i had some wow-free-time maybe i am wrong
working great, no deathes and i was honored within a hour
in my opinion execute is not used enough below 20% for example on tsulong i am fully raged cause of the stacking nightphase debuff and the cc...
something is wrong with die by sword bugged twice today and continued casting die by sword had to restart hb to get the cc working again
what is the latest rev? i got 265 from svn hotkeys are gone and updater is back but not working svn folder is all red :>
still not working with this release(ignore this if it wasn't the release to fix it :)) selecting never for t4 talents, still using them
can't get it working i would be glad if someone can do it :)
i highly request some kind of aoe toggle, sometimes it is just importend to do single dmg instead of aoe
can you give a short instruction how to use this?
very good work!!
meh and i was really excited about afternoon :)
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