版主能否给个rarekiller 2的插件,论坛找到的,下载不了
thanks its better now
logfile ok~this is my logfile , some of maps and npcs name are traditional chinese, i dont know wether this will affect it. Hope u can help...
anyone can help me, when i click the start button,the game's fps turns to 1-7, then a short while HB will say my fps is to low and stop itself.
感覺貌似沒有什麼用~~不知道有沒有在下載地圖,只要在新地圖啟動就完全動不了~過了一段時間Honorbuddy就會說fps too low 然後就自動關閉了。這是怎麼回事啊?[ATTACH]
點開honorbuddy 還沒有到輸入key的界面就彈出一個對話框~說 authentication failed 跪求解決下~~謝謝大家
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