<UseTransport NpcId="70" UseTimes="1" DialogOption="0" BlacklistAfter="True" UseDistance="10" XYZ="-62.11708, 8.113298, 49.06438" Radius="10"...
Ah, good to know that it's only during cutscenes. Thanks!
[05:07:18.431 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to MoveToTag: LineNumber: 5721, XYZ: <13.41266, 40.2, -13.26007>, Name: I'tolwann,...
[20:12:46.800 N] [TeleportTo] Player missing AetheryteId:18 Zone:Camp Drybone [20:12:46.800 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Missing AetheryteId...
No rush, as always. Thanks for the update. ;)
Move to Western La Noscea and try again. Next time, please attach a full log.
When you say it "starts spinning," can you elaborate or provide a screenshot/video? I can't recall if while it's trying to reach a FishSpot that's...
Does RetBot have support for the HW zones? Does it have TeleportTo hard-coded in the plugin, which would require an update to support the new...
You can, but it involves queueing up a ton of the same item and checking back later or when it's done. Can be very inefficient/expensive....
[12:42:12.811 N] Authentication failed, disconnecting. Either your session was closed for some reason or the auth server was having issues. You...
While it may mimic Dengue Fever in terms of symptoms, Patch Day Fever is something millions of players contract at least once in their lifetime....
You could try running this in some form or fashion during the profile. I haven't tested it, but I believe it should work when the code is called...
Camp Dragonhead = 155
ZoneName: Ul'dah - Steps of Thal ZoneId: 131 Client: Global [04:53:19.900 N] [TurnInTag] Turning in quest A Time to Every Purpose(65961) from...
[21:00:12.540 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to UseObjectTag: LineNumber: 2014, CustomLogic: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, IsDone:...
While RB is running, you can click on the Info Panel to get your experience per hour. [IMG]
It's possible. If InteractDistance isn't required for 9 out of 10 instances, it's better they're not there anyways. ;)
It was fun having you around! Let me know if you come back (sooner or later) - you know how to reach me. ;)
Try these:...
Look in the URL of the link I provided in my response above. You will see "5104" in the URL. That is the item ID.
Separate names with a comma.