版主你好 开始商店可用 我在商店里加载了一些插件,正常使用了几天后,商店里不能再购买或加载新的插件,提示:Purchase failed. You don't own a key for Honorbuddy in your buddyauth account. Please make sure you are using the buddyauth account that your keys are bound to. 然后 我登录商店注册页面,正常登录后,发现KEY 显示在:UNUSED / INACTIVE 栏内 。于是我选择重新往注册邮箱里面发送激活邮件,但是得到提示:Could not find a user by that email address. Please correct the email address entered below. If you have not registered, please do so via the register link above 。我想是不是邮箱出了问题,我打算从新在商店注册,结果注册不了,提示邮箱也注册:There is already an account registered with this email please choose a different one.我没有办法了,想请版主帮我看下,是哪个地方出了问题,万分感谢!
为了您的账户信息安全,请不要在公共帖子发布您的账户相关信息,你的这个问题只要使用国际版客户端登录一次就可以正常使用商城 国际版客户端下载地址 http://cn.updates.buddyauth.com/GetNewest?filter=Honorbuddy
你好,我是在Runtime Error 然后再key里面能够查询到自己的key 但是在store里面登录后,选择购买free 的profile,但是提示 Purchase failed. You don't own a key for Honorbuddy in your buddyauth account. Please make sure you are using the buddyauth account that your keys are bound to. 我确定我在store登录的是和auth注册的一样的账号,因为上面提示了是和auth一样
你好,因為太久沒登錄buddyauth,忘記密碼 重新請求新密碼登錄,顯示該帳戶被鎖定,This account is locked out because of too many invalid password attempts. Please contact support at support@thebuddyforum.com 請問要怎麼處理?謝謝