Due to the consistency in the past days, i decided to expand. setting up another 6 bots atm. so now back to my original 12.
how long have you gone unbanned on all your legion accounts now? also you still deposit to guild bank? and about gold pricez from chinese 0.045? or is it 0.45?
0.045 Well since that AOE ban a while ago and ofc the 2 banwaves. Other than that i pretty much dodged everything.
Yes, unless im on low pop servers where its harder to sell stuff, then my profile spams a macro in trade chat right before withdrawing and running to AH. But for a while now, i have avoided such servers in the first place when registering my accounts.
Everything working fine. I just noticed Nilthogg is gone, which means i am switching back to my original route, even though its a bit more crowded due to the recent CRZ merge.
Do you usually have all those children of yours running on same PC? What about battlenets? Each has its own? People are reporting to get banned nearly instant by running 5 or so accounts on same machine, i lost 4 myself after few hours. Aion reported about losing his 7 veterans too, so its not the accounts who goes to bot at minute 1 problem i guess. Maybe its creation that is resposible for it? If u create 5 or so battlenets from same ip it might get attention, no?
they merger realm in broken isle now? just surprised when i see 2 of my bot meet each other on highmountain lol
yes, i already noticed that like 2 weeks ago. It sucks ass and I changed from using 1 profile for all my bots to using 1 profile for each of my bots. Also, there was a banwave tonight it seems, many ppl messaged me about it, luckily my accs are still fine. Might have been because i took a break yesterday, unlikely tho.
My two accounts seem to be running just fine, checked them 30 minutes ago. Gosh I hope they don't get banned until I get home from work. Got like nearly 4k Foxflower and 1.5k Starlight Rose on them, thanks to DocTalbuk's profiles
Since you seem to be concerned with getting banned, Id like to remind you that AFKing public profiles is generally very dangerous.
Yes. Especially in crowded areas, you will have trouble. Now it wont matter much if youre on a big or small realm or even realmpool.
How does that work, is there any list which realms are connected or you randomly get into other realm now?
Not sure, but i have noticed changes since end of october. Before that I only had issues when in scenario instances, where when i would raise up 6 bots simultaneously, they would train in the same instance. But now this CRZ seems expanded to every zone in legion.
True. In fact you often end up with more people in one zone in lowpop servers than in highpop. Because at least some highpop servers aren't CRZ'd. Btw I've noticed that CRZ gets turned off like 2 days before server restarts and I get very few people in the zone, my NPH doubles.