we need a new word to describe whats going on. banwave does not adequately describe the kind of behavior we are seeing now, where as glider gave the banwave in the true meaning of the word. i vote we call this new behavior we are seeing now, a "Ban Pack" since they are just sitting around waiting for a "Pack" of users to ban, rather then the whole thousands or product wide banwaves we saw back in the glider days.
how about farming ban? seems as everyone getting banned is from farming. i've been leveling characters the last two months.. basically everyday that the bot allows me too and no bans..
Blizzard does this every few months. Reports pile up, they mark some down for bans and when they have a decent number they ban the lot at once. What's unusual is that this time it coincides with their cheap new account promotions. Sorry for your loss.
Any one have back acc? My one friend write ticket for he 3 acc and he got another 3 acc baned... in total 6acc ban..
As lathrodectus already asked: do you have a trading acc linked? and have you been pirox user before?
Yeah, I've always been partial to "banspike". It's just another of those instances when Blizz does a mass banning of the accounts that they've had targeted for a few weeks (as we've all seen before). If there were a "banwave" going on we'd be seeing pages and pages of posts from hundreds or thousands of botters posting about lost accounts. Granted that this is a MAJOR event for the folks who have lost multiple accounts and I sympathize, but for the rest of us it's just business as usual.