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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by GroundZero2k2, Mar 10, 2014.

    1. diablo123

      diablo123 New Member

      Jul 23, 2012
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      Change the settings in demonbuddy not the game... Click settings>bot and change difficulty to torment 3.
    2. Biotin

      Biotin Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      Or change CharacterSettings.xml

    3. tyse

      tyse New Member

      Jan 23, 2014
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      This is an amazing profile. Farming it on barb T6 for the past hour.
      Works great: DB shows ~900k gold/h and ~500k exp/h (I don't have the expansion yet, so forced to farm gold/exp while it gets over here).
      That only bug screws it over , that mobs swarm the char and he can't go through them, and Trinity complains thats it got stuck (yes, I'm aware that developer of the profile knows it). Not sure if thats DB issue or the profiles. If only it was possible to add some kind of a line, like : if stuck - cast WW (in order to get through) or Furios Charge, something like that would help to avoid this I think.

      Edit 1:
      Added Furious Charge with "Use out of combat", havent got stuck for past 3 games it did. Hopefully must have done the trick. :3

      Edit 2:
      Furious Charge been failing on this task, got swarmed couple times when it was on CD and died.
      Instead of Charge using Sprint now, with Gangway rune (knocks enemies back). Seems to be working so far at avoiding deaths.
      However there is something, not sure wherether a plus or a minus:
      bot keeps spamming sprint while in combat even with setting unchecked like : spam sprint and fury dump
      That creates next:
      - Keeps knocking enemies back preventing them from a small nice pile, making the radius of the pile 5 yards bigger (knockback is 5 yards)
      - By this mobs barely hit you. Due to being knocked back all the time and not having time to punch you in the face, I was able to switch for more dmg gear instead of toughness (gained around 50k dmg and lost 550k toughness) and run with scoundrel for damage with Hysteria skill, instead of templar for survival. Bearded bitch dies a lot though :(
      - Gold gain increased to 1kk from 900k, exp gain dropped to ~450k from 500k (According to DB stats, not Trinity logs)

      Can't really post a log right now, due to stopping bot every 20 minutes to make some changes. Will post a log tomorrow after leaving it overnight.

      Edit 3:
      Noticed that exp/h dropped dramatically, so checked on what was going on. Apparently ALL gear was broken, and bot wouldnt run to repair. Bot has settings enabled to repair at 10%. Is there a way to add a town run before each run?
      - Scratch this. While leaving overnight, its been repairing just fine.

      Edit 4: Log
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 10h 40m 3s
      Total deaths: 2 [0,19 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 140 [13,12 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 3880,19 million [363,73 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 11779,49 Thousand [1104,22 Thousand per hour]
      Gem Drops:
      Total gems: 19 [1,78 per hour]
      - Ruby: 5 [0,47 per hour] {26,32 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Ruby: 5 [0,47 per hour] {26,32 %}
      - Topaz: 2 [0,19 per hour] {10,53 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Topaz: 2 [0,19 per hour] {10,53 %}
      - Amethyst: 9 [0,84 per hour] {47,37 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Amethyst: 9 [0,84 per hour] {47,37 %}
      - Emerald: 3 [0,28 per hour] {15,79 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Emerald: 3 [0,28 per hour] {15,79 %}
      ===== Item PICKUP Statistics =====
      Items picked up by quality:
      - Legendary: 4 [0,37 per hour] {100 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Legendary: 4 [0,37 per hour] {100 %}

      This is still an amazing Exp and Gold grind spot. I VANGA that at level 70 at T5-6, you should be able to get at least x2 the gold and x3 the exp that I get at lvl 60.

      P.S. those 2 deaths, I assume were from the Sewer mobs. I've seen the bot run down in it, engage with some mobs, and not being able to kill them.
      Last edited: Mar 29, 2014
    4. Incarcerated

      Incarcerated New Member

      Mar 29, 2014
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      Can you make one that skips killing any mobs when escaping? Sorc can clear t6 in archon form but is useless after that and usually fast kill the pylons and get to the sewers.
    5. Kylvan

      Kylvan Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      Update the attachements please ! To fix the bugs ! Thanks !
    6. andyt315

      andyt315 Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      is any update coming up for this amazing profile? Please do!!
    7. thagh0st

      thagh0st New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      any way to make my character attack when it gets stuck/blocked by the mobs? usually it just stands there and dies.
    8. zouave

      zouave New Member

      Mar 22, 2014
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      Does any1 know how to make it so the character uses way point to get back to town at end because once in a while monster comes at the sewers and it takes quiet a long time to tele back to town since I am tanky lol I don't die and the character keeps trying to tele back when getting hit and it's my follower killing the monsters =-=
    9. zouave

      zouave New Member

      Mar 22, 2014
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      Does any1 else have problems with this profile now? was running smmothly until I updated my DB today... just stands there in same spot and logs back out :\

      Edited: Nvm worked with REgular DB release with clean install and Trinity :\ for some reason after DB Beta update it didnt :\
      Last edited: Apr 15, 2014
    10. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Ok, giving it a whirl now, just brought RoS and needed a quick level :)

    11. Whatsmacroing

      Whatsmacroing Banned

      Jul 20, 2014
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      These profiles are ridiculous. They're completely bugged. If you die once, it just restarts the game. What the heck is the point of that? How is that faster than just quickly respawning and running through the mobs to the exit?

      Secondly, if you change the max deaths to anything more than one, and die the bot will just run to a walk and complain that it is stuck.

      If you don't die, the non-combat one just gets stuck in this top corner continuously and never runs anywhere else:


      The combat one does work okay but again if you die, it just waits 10 seconds to leave and restarts again.
      If you don't die at all, on the combat one it seems to work alright but I wouldn't say that it is remotely 'fast'
      Last edited: Aug 2, 2014

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