You sure? The Universe, yeah I can get behind that but n0isey's post is a prime example that mankind's stupidity should NEVER be underestimated. Excellently worded rebuttal too. As an aside, why the hell are we still talking about the x86/x64 thing. Do people not read old posts? I've only been using Honorbuddy a few months and I'm sick of it. There are numerous reasons not to move to x64, no reasons to move to it and numerous posts from the HB devs that it will not happen until there is no choice
Totally get what you are saying there, but I dont just bot... I play the game too. In fact I play the game more than I bot so I do want the 64bit client that runs smoothly, with a few addons. Tbh i would also like DX11 and HBAO+ support that was just added, I've just spent £800+ upgrading my machine and part of that was a GTX970 thats capable of running wow at a stable 75fps@2560x1440 with ultra settings using DX11. Or it can run like a complete dog while I run DX9 and 32bit. Sure I can drop my resolution, but its like you telling me leave the porche that I already bought and own at home and drive the rust bucket because you say so. I'm onboard with perhaps you guys putting the 32bit client first, when patch day hits if you get a 32bit client out in less than 24 hours and but then it takes 2 more days for the 64bit to come I can live with that, but as I said earlier in the thread it sounds like you don't even have some kind of metric as to how many of your customers are on 32bit vs 64bit, If you were to start measuring it and it turned out that 90% of them were 64bit wouldnt it make sense to make a 64bit HB the primary product. DX11 vs DX9 is a different question, everything vista onwards has DX11, it launched with windows 7 but was patched into vista. With XP gone end of life now we cant be far off a situation where DX9 support can be dropped and if and when a 64bit HB is developed it likely should be developed to be DX11 only, there are no 64bit versions of windows that do not include DX11
Because usually you have to: Firstly remove .386 .model flat,stdcall .stack 4096 Secondly change every register name in the program to a 64-bit register. Thirdly, convert types (mostly from WORD to QWORD). There's more that goes on, but I'm keeping it short. Please don't bit-pick about the architecture. There's a reason it hasn't been done yet.