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  • 7 Banned, All at once, June 14

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by krizzl3, Jun 13, 2011.

    1. lostsk8r

      lostsk8r New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I dont know how people are doing mining/herb for 20+ hours a day, I keep getting banned left and right, even tried 12 hours and something is autobanning me... doesnt seem viable anymore. Used to make 4 tabs a day, now its like 1 and half, and they still have some auto reeason to ban..

      so how hell is anyone botting 20+ hrs a day and not getting banned a week later? It's not even anything to do with being watched after getting unbanned, I made two new accounts last week and they got dinged in same week gathering in hyjal.. figured it was for the 20 hours a day but now doing a strict 12 for the last 4 days and just got autobanned tonight.
      Last edited: Jul 7, 2011
    2. Quake

      Quake New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      you might wanna change your IP - use a prxy or something - its a proven fact that blizz watches repeat offenders IP's more closely

      I cannot say for sure, but i also heard that their new thing is more or less of a weighted system - accounts with more hours played per week are more likely to get checked after a single player report then accounts that play very infrequently. Such accounts would need a lot more player reports to have a GM look at them. Also if the only thing you do is herb/mine, that shit will look suspicios as hell once they do hand-check your account. mixed mode with PVP or instrancebuddy or something is what i use and so far with 4 bots running since WoWLK early days, only "lost" 4 accounts to date. "lost" because when you call about an account banned over 6 months ago - apperntly their logs dont go back that far, theyre like aww, you got hacked after you stopped playing your account ages ago - here you go, unban ^^
      then again i limit myself to 40hrs a week per account total and no more then 8 hrs per day.
      Last edited: Jul 7, 2011
    3. lostsk8r

      lostsk8r New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Well I do use proxies on all of them, and a VM. Wows, yeah 8 hours pretty low.
    4. Quake

      Quake New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      but thats 8hrs a day on each of the 4 wow bots =) the minerals and ore are just about all i can sell on my server without crashing the market.

      So even though i could get more every week then i do, Im not constantly worring about where and when the ban hammer will strike next.
      Last edited: Jul 8, 2011
    5. Newk

      Newk New Member

      Jan 7, 2011
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      I lol'd
    6. Stargate

      Stargate New Member

      Jul 3, 2010
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      I have the same problem lostsk8r. I used 24/7 in 4 accs for 14 months no problem. Now, blizz ban me 1 week after start new accs.
      My system was 4 farming accs(24/7) no guild. 1 acc bank/actionner. 1 vanilla acc seller gold(this was ban sometimes and replace for other).
      Each 10/12hs I logout all accs and restart computer. Invite farming accs for guild and deposit itens(ore/bars/herbs). Leave farming accs of guild. Bank acc sell ores in action. Farming accs was used in different computer of seller acc, but same ip. This work for 14 months.
      After bans I tried change anythings, but dont work.
      Now, Im confuse. Ill Try change my network card(paranoic here, but hardware id now is a possibility), use proxy for farming accs and use 4 accs for the day and other 4 for the night(10/12hs farming per acc). Gdisband in old guild and start a new and frozen seller and bank accs and start new. Maybe this work.
      If know something that can help me, please, share here. Sorry for bad english.Thanks.

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