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  • 72 Hour Suspension - 1st day using HB

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Deliriation, Oct 27, 2012.

    1. Idontcareatall

      Idontcareatall New Member

      Jul 29, 2011
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      OK, I can tell you, it has nothing to do with HB:

      You got banned because of;

      1. Player reports, probably lots of them.
      2. Sounds to me like you are using an SoR account. Blizz are watching them, coz all us buddies use them :p

      So your mistakes.
      1. Grinding in high pop area.
      2. Grinding in high pop area for 12hrs
      3. Grinding in high pop area for 12 hrs on SoR account (i suspect).
      4. Grinding in a high pop area for 12 hrs on SoR account (i suspect) with a CC you knew to be misbehaving. Superbad is the best Feral CC there is by a long way. But, it is designed for Lazyraider or Raidbot, targettting may therefore be an issue. If in doubt, use singular.

      100% your fault, easily avoided.

      I bot like a mofucka, I wouldnt play this game anymore without HB. Everything I do I bot it, all lvling, farming, crafting, questing, raiding and pvp I use HB. I bot for 18hours some days, I list 400 auctions at a time, I dont give a flying fook cause if you dont make silly mistakes the chances of getting caught are remote. And besides, almost any "ban" will be over turned instantly by a polite email.

      I Have never had a problem and I dont want to seem too cocky about it but, i'd bet my ass I never will.

      Hope you get it back, write a nice email and you will.
      Questing is 500-600% faster than grinding at any lvl in any circumstance. Dont grind to lvl, its slow and silly.

      HB is the best bot available. It is buggy atm with MoP release etc; but they will get it smooth again and beleive me, in its prime its an absolute monster!

      Peace out
      Last edited: Oct 30, 2012
    2. Weridoz

      Weridoz New Member

      May 7, 2012
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      I've been bottling for two years with this bot, I haven't gotten a single suspension yet. It's not about the bot, it's about you.
    3. Illudius

      Illudius New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      They most likely are. If I am not mistaken it says in the EULA that we give Blizzard the right to hack our computers if they suspect we're doing something that violates their terms.
    4. cmr

      cmr New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      Check the EULA and look at #5 Consent to Monitor

      how do u change the process name for hb
    5. Tiama

      Tiama New Member

      Jul 20, 2011
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      Doesn't matter it's illegal for them, even if you agree. Because Blizz needs to alter system files and other os stuff to stay undetected and this copyright doesn't belong to you, so Microsoft or Apple had to agree and they don't :p
    6. Croga

      Croga Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2010
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      No one noticed this yet?

      You didn't get banned because of HB or the hours of grinding. You got banned because you're using a hack (speedhack, wallhack, whatever) next to HB.
      Don't go blaming HB when you're using something else as well. Hacks *WILL* get you a permban. HB doesn't.

      If the suspension was bot-related it would've been "Abuse of the economy" or something similar, not "exploitatice activity".
    7. Grayfox35

      Grayfox35 New Member

      Mar 19, 2012
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      As a botter , i understand if someone botting or not. So what i meant here is , probably someone who understand and a botter like you, report you and you got banned. As a HB user i did not got any bans despite non-stop archeology searchs for 2 weeks. As a long-term botter, can give you some tips if you are going to bot for long hours relog after 6 hours of grinding or questin, farming herbs etc. Reason of relogging is being online for so many hours makes you higher ranks in the who list. And you get so many whispers from sone players who has something about your class, about your area etc.

      And if you are going to farm specific areas and things , supervise yor bot or else you will get reported by some curious players asking ''What are you farming '' questions. You can give answer to them and avoid being reported. These are the some tips to avoid getting reported.

      And if you are lucky , when you get reported cheating from your portrait , the reporter whispers you for'' You got reported for botting''. Close your hb for some days. And go on when 2 or 3 days passed. Hope this helps if you are willing to go on botting.

      P.S: GM ' s are watching you if you got reported or patrolling herb- minning area. But Warden is not flagging you as a botter When you use HB.
    8. starl1te

      starl1te New Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      I'm a big Pirox fan, and HB does have a huge number of issues with simple things when grinding (blacklisting evading mobs, dealing with stuck in combat, getting stuck, avoiding elites or giant mob packs and many others)... but OPs "opinions" there at the end are pure bullshit.

      BLIZZARD MOSTLY DETECTS BOTS VIA REPORTS AND SERVER SIDE LOG ANALYSIS. HB is not detected from memory reading, hook, because you fly funny or any other bullshit.
      Fact is, long before they crcked down on gatherbuddy botting, you were GUARANTEED a suspension when leveling via grinding, and it was this exact "72 hours for 3rd party" instead of the usual "economy exploitation". I had lvl 15s suspended first day all while gathering bots where flying around for months undetected.

      TL;DR - DO NOT GRIND FOR 12 HOURS IN SAME AREA AND MOBS WHILE LEVELING. you will in fact get suspended "first day", exactly like you get insta-suspended if you start trying to sell gold in trade chat or start going AFK in 10 BGs in a row.
      Last edited: Oct 31, 2012
    9. huffdady

      huffdady New Member

      Apr 4, 2012
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      Grind bot for 12 hours on US, theres your Issue. Would trying to overturn to 72 hour, then never grinding again. Grindbot is just a ban waiting to happen. Also a tip for when you get your account back, Try and have your bot do what a human would do, such as quest for 4 hours, take a break at lunch time, get on main do a BG or so. All this can be done with a reloger
    10. chazz93

      chazz93 Member

      Aug 5, 2012
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      in my opinion your ban is nothing its a life saver to get a 72 hr, as of today MANY accounts were banned perma including mine which was on today botting for 30 min prior to the ban. dont do anything wait out the ban or else they can dig deeper seeing you were using honorbuddy and perma ban you. sit tight and plan your next move so you dont get cought again.

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