And which one ist faster? When not using the Fast Leveling Profile Changer Plugin it can be possible that Kicks one is faster because it not Supports all Quests for a Area so it changes faster to the next Zone.
Any particular reason that my toon will not mount running this profile? Is this common with any other CR besides Singular? Nevermind figured it out.
Please make a Fresh HB Installation. You has a lot of outdated Quest Behaviors which make the issue: With the new HB Installation the Profile should work.
Hey, My bot was running fine from 90 to 94, then it got stuck and i cant get it to move on. It says: Goal: Picking Up Quest - The Critical Path (The Critical Path - Quest - World of Warcraft) : From - Bodrick Grey (Bodrick Grey - NPC - World of Warcraft) But there is no quest from that guy, so he just stands there like an idiot...
Hey MaxMuster, mir ist aufgefallen dass der Bot mit dem 65% LVL Gear und dem "Fast Profile Changer" zu schnell wechselt. Da war der Bot noch nicht einmal in Gorgrond um die Anfangsquest nach Talador zu beginnen, da stand er schon in der Garni um die Folgequest dafür zu holen. Ich habe leider keinen Log weil das schon paar Tage her ist und ich natürlich das Stück schnell per Hand gemacht habe. Aber vielleicht kann man das einbauen, dass diese Anfangsquest ein Pflichtteil ist und gemacht werden muss. Ansonsten sehr saubere Arbeit! Grüße K. English short: When somebody is using heirlooms and the fast profile changer, he will not get the start quest for Talador.
Naja ich geh mal davon aus, das der Char bereits Level 94 errreicht hatte und daher direkt zu Talador gewechselt ist. Das mit den Anfangs Quest werde ich mal auf meine ToDo Liste schreiben.
NEVER NEVER NEVER use the auto update function from the Bot. Do all Updates manuell. You has lots of outdated Quest Behaviors: [Compiler Warning]: Make a fresh/new HB Installation.
Bot continues to stop in Shadowmoon to turn in a quest and wait for an NPC to appear. This happened twice last night and it sat for almost 2 hours. Saw 2 other bots doing this as well, were probably using your profile as well.
Next Version (0.2.2.) submitted to the Store: Added <Mob Name="Zukaza" Id="80248" Flags="Combat" /> to prevent TuanHAs CRs to Attack this Quest NPC. The Talador Profile should now PickUp the Talador Start Quest from the Adventure Guide.
Ugh, this has gotten stuck and stopped 3 times so far today in Talador, after 5 hours I am still only half a level up. Here is another log, think Ill be going back to kicks Now the profile won't even move the character.
Lol happened so many times today. All at the same problem points. Very obvious right now from today's experience.