Have you stopped working on this OP ? Its currently the only free alternative to running Garrison stuff that I can find! I'd be willing to keep building on this to provide a free version for the community, long as you're cool with it ?
Bot got stuck inside mine near the water. He was trying to submerge but keept failing. My alt (druid) didnt get stuck yet
If you have max Archaeology fragments and you find another fragment in a mining cart, then you will be out of luck and stuck in front of that cart. (unless you find a way to get rid of the fragments and make room for new one) The bot will try to loot that cart over and over until the end of time. (server shutdown). Also, is there an option to prevent the bot to craft the 'Secrets of Draenor ...' ? (book that you trade for profession receipe)
I keep getting this error when trying to load the profile. 1 compiler errors encountered in profile 'Garrison Chores($Rev: 1.13$)' 'While' xml element on line number 492 has following errors 1) Unexpected character '`' at offset 0 I tried deleting that character and now.. "3 compiler errors encountered in profile 'Garrison Chores($Rev: 1.13$)' 'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 83 has following errors 1) The name 'Colors' does not exist in the current context at offset 43 2) The name 'Colors' does not exist in the current context at offset 56 3) The name 'Colors' does not exist in the current context at offset 105 " Tried loading an older version 1.12 and this Cannot load profile! '>' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '='. Line 32, position 71.
can't get it to load and go, here's what HB says when I load it: 1 compiler errors encountered in profile 'Garrison Chores($Rev: 1.13$)' 'While' xml element on line number 492 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__54() { return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => (ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWGameObject>().Any(u => (new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>(){ 232541, 232542, 232543, 232544, 232545 }.Contains(u.Entry) && u.Distance <= 10`))))(); } 1) Unexpected character '`' at offset 0
Great profile!!!! Thanks for sharing, really appreciated. Just would like to feedback 2 small issues; - it sometimes gets stuck at the hanging lamp in the garden (west of the ground part of the fence - lvl3) - In the mine he sometimes stops waiting endlessly next to a mine, I notices it is spamming 'No viable mobs in area' in the status bar at the bottom of HB. (lvl3) Seems to happen mostly in the middle of the mine, or at the pool in the back when there is a node under water. Hope you can use this information in the future.
this profile was great when it first came out but Just use the free garrison buddy or pay for Garrison boss
I am super new at loading or reading profile messages but everytime i click on the profile folder to load this message comes up in my honorbuddy... 1 compiler errors encountered in profile 'Garrison Chores($Rev: 1.13$)' 'While' xml element on line number 492 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__54() { return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => (ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWGameObject>().Any(u => (new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>(){ 232541, 232542, 232543, 232544, 232545 }.Contains(u.Entry) && u.Distance <= 10`))))(); } 1) Unexpected character '`' at offset 0 This is all I see, the character just stands still. i've started it in SW and even in my level 3 mines, and still that message comes. Can anyone please help me figure it out? or if i need to do something.