Soon done with my rep farming (mount), I'll run this afterwards. Thanks in advance, and I hope it's working good!
Really nice profile got my fox in about 900 kills with this profile. But found some small thumbsdown in it first night it had sold my Seafood magnifique feast's i had in my bags so on raid later on i thinked where is my feasts and made some new 2nd night had new feasts in bag it sold them again and even my Inscribe made fortidude buffs and some other things i had in my bags :-S
Hi - how do I get my guy to mount up when he travels to the next hotspot? I have my "mount distance" setting to 5. Anything else I need to do?
Do I run this with ProfessionBuddy and Rare Killer plugin? I never used a profile like this - help is appreciated. Thanks!
Use grindbot. It will not tame the pet. What you're hoping to have happen is it will instead.. Loot the pet. Make sure you have all the correct settings enabled... ie, loot mobs. Good luck.
Ok. You may be able to do that manually. They are really everywhere in TB. You wouldn't even need the bot in order to tame one.. They're not hostile, they're neutral, untill you attack them. You can find them pretty much everywhere.
Very nice profile, although it's hard to farm this pet because of lots of player from opposite faction I got mine Fox after ~ 300 loots
Sweet profile, works great. Love the leathers! I've been farming it for a little over 2 weeks and still have not gotten it tho
I cannot get this profile to pull mobs at all... I have tried 5 different CC's with no luck, I have the settings in the bot all setup, it just won't pull, it runs right past all of the foxes, am I missing something? I've read through the thread, thinking I must have missed something.
And same problem here. I tried different profiles for the Baradin Fox. Does this or any other fox-profile worked by anyone else (at the moment)?