I'm having some movement issues in Zangar. It generally tries to run straight through the Marshlight Lake naga camp where it draws a lot of attention. This combined with the fact that HB can't handle the "linked" mobs well means a lot of deaths. It might be an idea to add a path in the profile that takes it around the camp there.
It's the usetransport CB. sometimes the bot moves too fast for the CB. But i'll be changing this to flying on my next go around (just telredor and other important ones) Class / gear / cc issue. If i blackspot it, then it messes up a lot of things. I noticed it, too =( Once flying nav is implemented then you won't have nearly as many issues like this
blackspotting it would disable some quests so that's not a good idea indeed. But adding a "move to" on some of the occasions that it needs to move there might be an option. I do agree that flying nav will definately solve all this. The Pristine Shimmerscale Eel quest is a bit of a challenge as well. Character tends to drown there. He does still have the Potion of Water Breathing on him though so it might be an option to let him use it before going into the water.
added a water breathing potion to pristine shimmering eel quest (Rather Be Fishin' quest) PHP: <PickUp QuestName="Rather Be Fishin'" QuestId="10037" GiverName="Seth" GiverId="18653" X="-1609.176" Y="5299.937" Z="-38.58288" /> <If Condition="((HasQuest(10037)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(10037)))" > <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/use Potion of Water Breathing" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" /> </If> <Objective QuestName="Rather Be Fishin'" Questid="10037" Type="CollectItem" CollectCount="8" Name="Pristine Shimmerscale Eel" ItemId="25891" />
Please notify when this is FULLY AFK, so far I havnt been able to find any quest leveling profile for anything thats ACTUALLY FULL AFK
lol kev, you make me laugh and my alpha is 98% afk'able, working out the bugs after i get a failknight up... i'm running out of toons to make these profiles on they're all getting 85
If you really need one that's fully AFK why not make your own? If you can't (or you're too lazy, like me) then at least let Kick know which parts aren't AFKable. For the moment the only real issues have been with the mesh. Zangar has a lot of places where the toon gets half-stuck so HB won't recognize it as stuck but it's still not going anywhere. That's really nothing that can be fixed in the profile. All the issues that are in the profile are fixed by Kick just about the minute they are reported.
Is there currently an option to have HB check for an item in the bags that gives a quest? There's a lot of those around in Outland and they wouldn't take much time to complete as you're moving to the quest delivery spots regularly anyway. I'm not sure about the codeability of it though.
Yes and no Yes I can do it No I cannot do it from it's own <If> statement yet. I have to piggy-back it off of another quest, which I will do eventually. I did it for LK
Something's going wrong with the Blessing of Incineratus quest. It tries to turn it in without having set the Large Hut on fire. I've had this kind of issue before with quests where you have to use an item on a couple of specific places. I'm quite sure it's a problem with HB, not with the profile. But would there be any option in the profile to check for completing of certain quest requirements, then redoing if not complete? I'm pretty sure there's no looping in the profile so it would be a question of checking maybe twice or something. Sorry if I sounds like a profile-n00b, it's because I am
For some reason the Bot cannot pick up the Quest "Helping the Cenarion Post" maybe I have done this quest manually - i don't know. However the Bot tries time an again to pick up this quest from Amaan the wise at the Temple of Tel(whatever). I removed the 2 entries to pick up and turn in the quest from the profile and restarted the bot. Now it Works perfectly again. Could you integrate a function, that the bot "recognizes" if a Quest has already been done and if so moves on the the next one? Otherwise Great Profile!
Im glad I make you laugh =) and ill try this out soon and let you know exactly how AFKable this is, btw i think its really great your basically in the lead for all the profiles with your great profiles thank you for all your work. Honorbuddy should be paying you.And which Alpha are you talking about?
I agree with this. Only had one issue but that was down to me using LootFilter. Your profile is flawless so far. Thanks for your efforts.