ive had the same issue with the questing profile, i was using it on my human warrior basically it just fly's to SW gryphon master then get's stuck in the box's and just continued to run
Hey, I just started playing wow and using HB again. I am now playing alliance instead of horde. It seemed as though horde was a lot more "supported" as far as questing profiles went lol. Anyway, I am trying to get this profile to work and I believe my mistake here is the extraction of your folder. I know how to use svn and all that jazz, it was properly extracted to a folder on my computer. I just dont know where to put your folders/files. It has nuokdrhawks684 1-60, prodownload, and khranos. Where do i apply these into the honorbuddy folder? I apologize if i missed something about installation, I viewed this thread for an hour or so looking. Thanks in advance. EDIT: The debug window told me how stupid i was. Sorry for the irrelevant post. My CC was not compiled correctly. This profile so far is impressive, since i am starting this profile as a level 46, i tried badlands as a guess. Matched the quest id in the debug tab to EPL and now its running on its own to the correct location. Thank you for the profile setup
Getting this at level 5 Human Hunter. Once I run to Goldshire it starts running to SW to the flight path master. Once he gets to the flight master this happens: [5:45:53 PM:287] [Profile Message]: Go to FlightMaster [5:45:53 PM:287] Goal: Moving to <-8836.753, 489.9939, 109.6138> [5:45:53 PM:287] Activity: Loading Tile/s [5:45:53 PM:287] Loading Azeroth_31_48 [5:45:54 PM:660] Goal: Moving through Portal [5:45:54 PM:660] [GoThruPortal-v184(info) @line 496]: Moving to <-8337.282, 509.3058, 83.63133> [5:46:04 PM:758] [GoThruPortal-v184(fatal) @line 496]: Timed out after 100822853 ms. Failed to go through portal [5:46:04 PM:758] Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy. [5:46:04 PM:758] Stop called! [5:46:04 PM:775] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped [5:46:05 PM:813] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick() at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run() [5:46:05 PM:814] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run() [5:49:24 PM:405] Error trying to save the settings file: The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open.
Need some help Load Questing Bot and the Human Start Area profile, and this is what happens I started the profile in goldshire, It goes to the SW flight master and says this: Starting the bot! [Profile Message]: Go to FlightMaster [GoThruPortal-v184(info) @line 496]: Moving to <-8337.284, 509.3607, 83.62938> [GoThruPortal-v184(fatal) @line 496]: Timed out after 182748869 ms. Failed to go through portal Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy. Log attached View attachment 2-12-2012_8_41 PM 166212 Log.txt Use flight paths is on
problem with Worgen Starting Area The 'If' start tag on line 944 does not match the end tag of 'QuestOrder
Hey im trying to use Your Questing bot and it just sends me to the Flight path girl and fly's to Westfall, or it just mounts and sits there tell me what is happening im a lvl 41 alliance rogue in western plaguelands.
What I did to fix the line error was to just remove the last part where the bot is supposed to move to IF. Now I can run the profile. Just have to move to IF on my own at the end