why not writing a little behavior to accept all quests from a given npc? This way the profile can be done without manual interaction from the user - Accept all Quests from a given NPC (GetGossipAvailableQuests;SelectGossipAvailableQuest;AcceptQuest(); ) - Do Quests - Turnin Quests
Kicks Profile does this And I personally don't have much time do develop any more. So I will just bugfix this Profile if it gets broken by a Botversion.
i don't have log. but the quest Left overs to kill 12x infantries is bugged. My char killed few, and move upstairs, standing where the flag is for hours... And it attempted to solo problim
That he tries to solo Problim is a Bot-Problem or CC-Problem, that the Bot normally don't attack Mobs tagged by others. I can't change this behavior with a Profile nor a Plugin. Sorry for this. Just let me take a look at the other buggy Quest. (Is it also PvP-Sided?)
Is this only for Alliance because my orc warlock is trying to get into the Alliance keep to pick up quests...died 3 times! Horde just won Tol Barad so i decided to try this profile on the quest in Baradin Hold only. I picked them up manually (not "A huhe problem" beacause my warlock wont be able to kill him) and then i loaded this profile and started HB. The first thing it does is to mount and run to Alliance keep to pick up quests....
Just curious as to what path yours normally takes. I ran this a couple times and it always does Forgotten Hill or Restless Front last, then tries to run THROUGH the horde base to get back to the Ally base. Also im not too familiar with scripts, but im going to try to change th pull range on here, cause this this will run away from its objective to a mob not even close to agro range to kill it when its not for any quests. Great profile tho, thanx. To bad Horde have like 25 TB Dailies profiles, we have 2. Also in the castle, it will target people on different floors, like the roof, then run right for that one target and pull like 5-6 on the way. So then ur fighting 7 mobs are once. Lucky i have elementals.