Any pack of champion Khazra shamans won't have their affixes listed. Might be a Diablo bug, or might be as intended. They still have all their powers though, so watch out! They just aren't listed.
belive it or not i got a legendary set plan from sak, ( preban last week ) only reason i leave plans on the lootrules.
Using a Monk with the following stats: 17k DPS 1k AR 35k HP 7k Armor 20% Block 0 LoH(Yes 0 for now I am poor) And I am using the build linked in Radonic's signature. Working good for now just need a way to speed him up when running around. I am using 12% boots but I think I am going to need to hit the cap so runs can move a long quicker. Barbs definitely lucked out in that department lol.
I die easily when swapping to MF by hand, I can't imagine bot can survive at all, when swapping to MF vs random pack.
i'm talking about 265%+290% MF gear without NV stacks. Having 50-60% MF without NV all time, also not good as having full MF gear before killing elite pack. I'm trying using Apoc MF swap plugin to write plugin for swapping gear at 5%-10% of last mob in elite pack or champ because it will be much more profitable.
I guess what came with 1.75 or something like that. See that you use Giles World thingy and his monster preference plugins. Well i'm running this with 208% mf (no follower) 20k dps and i own 99% of the elites (guess only thing that can kill me is arcane + desecrator + shielding \ nightmarish \ ice). Just get high health pool - 40k, armour - 5-6k, res - 400+.
May be a weird question but can this be used as a level up profile on lower difficulties? I figure it would be safer since I wouldn't be repeating zk or vachem quests all day. If I changed the "Inferno" in the script to "nightmare", would it run the same routine in nightmare mode?
Hope this looting issue will be fixed quickly, it's really annoying. Loosing lot of time trying to loot items while full inventory and every times loosing NV when it restart from the begining. PS: Thx a lot to 5avage, Radonic & Giles for your wonderfull job.
you could just go and download an open mouseclick recorder. save it and bind it to a key aka a button on your mouse.. anyways it's what i did when i farmed it the oldfashioned way.
will i've given up trying to get this working good on a DH lol and im leveling a barb. can't wait to see how i go on a barb.
Inside of cemetery the three tomb things are great for finding rares. In northern highlands there is some times a dungeon and it has had up to 6 packs in it for me.