no it originally didnt do the whole VoA or FR... i played around with getting it to completely explore them but if it didnt randomly end up exploring the area with the portal stone last it would never exit the dungeon then i tried to play around with townportaling out of them... TP would make the profile need to waypoint back and because of their random spawn locations and the crazy amount of "exploring"/running in useless circles DB does it sometimes loses NV buffs and then having to guess at where to restart the environment waypoints. it was always missing some part... unless someone can tell me how to get DB to path to the portal stone properly after DB finds it and the character is no longer in range...
that is stuck on the very first waypoint in the profile... which it ran fine once before the toon died, would point the finger at death handling or DB not knowing where it is... what map is that?
you are positive? 100%? the waypoint DB was trying to reach is the first waypoint in the howling plateau profile... looks like something interupted the toons TP
notice* you need DestroyBarricades plugin to avoid stuck sometimes in the fisherman cellar and swampy cellar
rested many hopes of this profile but probably the author was gone, and we never will get a normal profile for A2 all profiles are stuckable
cant really help that the nature of act 2 maps make it very difficult to keep a 100% perfect profile for everyone everytime... and it does work yes sometimes it gets stuck but you use a relogger and you are all set
There seems to be a problem with profile Elderberries_Oasis.xml I always get the following error when Atom tries to load it And it just keeps trying to load until it logs off due to inactivity.
The profile is working fine, no hard stucks most of the time (using Unstuck-Me + Trinity Unstucker), but im not getting the randomized script for areas every start. I mean, the profile is not randomizing the areas like the act1 and act3 profiles from ciggarc. Everytime i start a run it do the same sequence of areas. Can i get a little help plz? edit: Solved the problem, i just inserted <randomize> before and after the codelines of the areas.
Can you upload the daemon buddy + camp hunting to be ready for use? i'm so noob and i can't do it works
profile has been taken down until trinity and questtools are in a state that dont make it bloody fucking obvious what you are up to