=== Time spent in WorldID === 81049 ac1 1,61333644419444 81934 ac2 1,11199332466667 81019 sky 1,44102575505556 119641 tc1 0,7477708255 139272 tc2 0,643860993194444 136415 K3 1,14913378205556 95804 FosR2,41303968455556 75434 K2 1,27701831877778 79401 td1 0,65242981675 80763 td2 0,501415345944444 93099 stone1,54783658691667 119290 core0,457234485638889 === Total items + iph dropped per WorldID === 81049 612 379,34 81934 623 560,26 81019 798 553,77 119641 342 457,36 139272 368 571,55 136415 524 456 95804 1603 664,31 75434 878 687,54 79401 434 665,21 80763 358 713,98 93099 736 475,5 119290 318 668,45 === Total legendaries + iph dropped per WorldID === 81049 5 3,1 81934 4 3,6 81019 1 0,69 119641 1 1,34 139272 0 0 136415 8 6,96 95804 2 0,83 75434 2 1,57 79401 0 0 80763 0 0 93099 2 1,29 119290 1 2,19 iam very intrested in that area analyse. would be nice if someone can post this too (wanna find the best Legend/time areas) very good work rrrix this profil is kinda the best now i notice one problem in non random areas: char could be more in middel espassaly on skycrown my trims arround often (iam about to edit it remove random distance)
View attachment 3196 2013-02-02 00.51.txt Stuck in Tower of the Damned 2 Version 2 at the first fireplace. It only happens with Version 2 as far as I can notice.
You can use either the Trinity or GilesPlugin routine - they are functionally the same - GilesPlugin is just the "old" one, we have renamed it. Make sure GilesTrinity and QuestTools are both showing up in the Plugins window, and both are enabled.
Tower of Cursed <SafeMoveTo questId="101758" stepId="1" pathPrecision="20" x="1035" y="897" z="-29" /> tag shows up twice on lines 44 and 49 causing a small backtrack. Otherwise working great so far Thank you
Thanks rrix for this script. I've been using for 2 days now and I think it's overall the best. Have few questions. Do you think the explore dungeon command is safer than the trinitymoveto other profiles use? When I go back to profiles I used to run without QuestTools (Tinnkaizer, Skyhigh...) I get error at the beginning of the profile (never had error before). Somehow this profile creates incompatibilities with others. I also did an area study of best areas and "Alkaizered" this version. If someone is interested let me know. I significantly improved GPH/EPH/IPH Regards
Neither explore or trinity move to is safer - one or the other may provide benefits depending on how good the profile is. It was easier to write the profile for random areas with an explore tag than it was to map every possible configuration with MoveTo's. I'm interested in what you found for your "Alkaizered" research - please share
Thanks for the reply! As I said, I ran the full profile for a few hours. Considering randomness (no fixed order of NV stacking), it can be supposed that at the end, the XP/hour on each WorldID will be a good proof of the performance of the profile on these areas. I identified the WorldID and checked that the most profitable areas were mostly the areas belonging to the Alkaizer run. So I removed some profiles and I modified/created a new sub-profile in order to do Tower of Damned level 1 only. Hence this mod does: Skycrown FOS-Rakkis KeepDepths2 ArreatCrater2 TowerDamned1 CoreofArreat This is quite similar to the Alkaizer run with the addition of the Skycrown area (I'll find it well mapped and equally good as the others) Of course the number of combinations of this version is smaller but randomness can be good enough. I'm sending you the .zip file with all the profiles while we're speaking by PM. Because you're the creator I leave it to you the rights to post it Thanks for your work!
running this profile for a few days , is very good ( few stucks ) but i dont pay attention..RRRix is it possible to add keep depth lvl 1 and frost cavern ? 8-12 packs of elites there and is very fast..
just woke up but really wanne participate this one [17:00:24.228 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix i get this error spammed? doing nothing got the quest plugin that u included. is it cauz my char only has a3 inferno azmo kill q? he needs more, additional game quests? so far doing nothing . i dont wanne miss out ^^
stuck in tower of cursed 2. like the picture, bot can move away from there, but move back there till inactive.
Posting an update. I have used this profile for 2 weeks. IF you find the best version of trinity that works for your setup it can be stable for 8-16 Hours Straight. Really solid profile. @ rrrix - I have noticed that only with .16 trinity can I be stable with this profile, problem is, with .16 trinity the bots get really stupid in 3 spots which can cause a big waste of time, logouts, glitches with movement and sometimes even crashes. The spots are Tower of The Cursed, Areat Crater and Keep Depths. I noticed you havent updated it in a while. :"( was hoping to have it Stable AND Efficient soon. <3 rrrix
I do not understand how to make this work period. I am good with working DB and have all the plugins and have been running about a month now with no issues. But I dont understand how to make something like this work that has a number of different profiles in a folder... Is this explained somewhere or can someone help me out. Thanks
sometimes bot get stuck there. and another bug which happens sometimes. Ist when i start the bots ( usin yar) bot joins game and questtools tells games per hour is 2k+ bot stops and stay afk in base doin nothing. when i restart them it works again
same thing here with yar, happens every time i launch bots for first time it's quite annoying. (newest db+trinity) other than that its very nice profile been using it for a long time. thank you rrrix