BTW; you kinda weird me out, cause you seem to get angry over the internet... ooooooooh kay. On that note, lets all download 2.7.1 to fix any small sticks that have been reported since db update 294. Oh and also about my trinity version, I know why it's stamped wrong, mine is custom made to use different vendors has a customblacklist etc. Sorry i'll go reload other trinities as I get a moment..... kinda crappy that trinity is posted all over the place right now.
Hey gnome, I am using relogger and started the profile 0.01 jump_start_me and it said the profile could not be loaded, also using radsatom 1.5.1 , could you make a starting profile for relogger?
yes, I will make a YAR compatible version... might I ask why you use re-logger? I can't understand, other than so it auto launches at specific times. I will get this done for all Yar users very soon possibly tonight. UPDATE: I am now testing with Giles Trin CE as to be on same version as everyone else. ALSO NOTE: Older versions of Trin maybe causing chaotic crash in KD2... still trying to source the reason why.
May have to move one of the hot spots in Tower 1 as pathfinder gets lost when there is a shrine there. < this will require a little testing, but will be fixed soon.
Just watched newest trinity do something terrible, got stuck in AC2 for NO apparent reason, then when I tried to manual fix it bot started wiggle, which means trinity was pathing on double loop... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.
thx, can't wait to try 2.7 out, i am currently running on Tinnvec v0.2 profile since it is the best profile for me so far, but getting lots of stucking problems in keep lv 2 and core of arreat, hope I can have the stuck fixed in yr version, thanks!
I am using Trinity from 3.00am EU and it still works perfect. Can't see stuck report yet, but apparently it works.
Sup, when I click on "Config" button of RadsAtom doesn't happen anything.... The folder has the correct name "RadsAtom", Im using this latest version you made. \Plugins\RadsAtom NVM.. i just remade the old RadsAtom folder structures with Functions Gui Winauth subfolders inside... now its working
I'd love a version of this that works with YAR. The main reason I use YAR is its a very convenient way of keeping track of several bots, as well as the scheduler and such. It's also nice to be able to load more than 1 profile. What is the difference between UFR and V3? I am a donator, and I have UFR and V3.3.4. There is just so many versions out there, i am a bit confused what I should be using
It is actually working for me with YAR; just make sure you use the jumpstart_loadmefirst file instead of the start_here one. Great profile !!!!! Thank you very much gnome. I can see you took a lot of time to get this done, it's really good. I have 1 recurrent stuck, though; my friend using the same profile is having the same problem too. Stuck point is FoS just at the dungeon entrance of the cave, Frost or ice cave. It just stands there, db tries to unstuck but it comes back to the same exact point and just sits there till inactivity timer trips you out.It happens when the cave is found at the bottom right of the map, not sure if it happens when the dungeon spawns at other map positions. But when the cave spawns there, it's 100% stucking there. Using Trinity and demonbuddy beta #113. Yar , radsatom 1.5.1 , destroy barricades and keyrun as plugins. Any help would be greatly appreciated !
maybe it works with YAR but not Drelogger , jumpstart_profile doesn't work on version 2.71 with drelogger
where is the jump profile? i do not understand how does kickstart work.. anyway im using tinkaiser. my yar just load tinkaiserv2.xml and my goldinactivity timer also loads that. whats all that deal with jump profile? sorry never really noticed this function on YAR until recently.
Yes, I appologize as the new FOS has not been tested long enough, it was pushed because we needed new pathing to satisfy paranoia. There will be a number at the bottom of DB when it gets stuck on there... it will say FOS - ## FOS - 05 etc... if you could report which number that is so that I can alter or remove it. I guess when I made the new pathing that cave did not spawn during that. This is how it went un-noticed. I have had numerous reports about that cave FOS stick. I just need the hotspot number to fix it up and upload so others will not experience this issue.
As donator, please use 2.7.1 and there will be flash update to repair the 1 stuck in FOS, due to new wavepoints. UFR is broken I was told last night, I will get that also repaired today. We may post UFR to public so this needs to be done.