Hello, Thanks for this route. But i have a question : Can i configure the bot so he can only pickup rings and legendaries item then stash them ? Thank you !
rofl !! Try starting on the bot screen, plugins tab, trinity, config, armor, magic 0, rare 0, weapons, magic 0, rare0, jewelery magic 0, rare 60+. Legendarys will always be auto stored for you, decide yourself what to do with them. in the "town run" Tab, you can be a little more discerning about what you keep and what you toss out, most of the drops are trash, and will add to your gold pile, set sliders top to bottom, 80k - 25k- 25k. that will toss out all the rubbish, and hang on to items that could sell for you. But in order to pick up these trash items, you need to set both armor and weapons (rare) to 60+ Have a great day.
Hey it's me again, lol. When i start the bot, i can only chose "generic" and "belphegor", where can i get gilesplugin instead ? Does it change a lot ? thank you ! - - - Updated - - - Hey it's me again, lol. When i start the bot, i can only chose "generic" and "belphegor", where can i get gilesplugin instead ? Does it change a lot ? thank you !
Great profile. I think the only issues is the pathing if you die in the core of inferno. It get stuck on bends when trying to path through it.
that would be one person in a couple thousand... I am yet to see v3x get stuck, at least that and 2.8 is what i use currently.
Hi Gnome, thanks for the great bot ! (the only one I use!) For me, v3x got stuck in few places quite frequently, mainly in front of a small chest object in core, one of the corners in TOTD, and a U shaped place in the middle of fields. But when you posted the 2.8 package with the new DB and Trinity, i havent been stuck at all and have been running smoothly 24/7! I would recommend 2.8 simply I think it works better for me than v3x. Thank you again for your great joB!
I run v3y. However, I turned on "Allow Game Restarts" and its running perfect now besides when the client freezes occasionally. Averaging 600k gp/hr on all my characters: monks, barbs, wd (all para 100)
This new version, I keep on getting this: [09:22:49.956 N] ProfileOrderManager.OnGameJoined, Reloading profile. [09:22:50.091 N] Loaded profile 00 v2.9.1 Public [Galkaizer] Startup Script pure alkaizer [09:22:50.091 N] Game joined, Resetting profile caches. [09:22:50.105 N] *********************************************************************** Keep doing it on an infinite loop, any idea? Thanks!
Same. gives me about 50 lines of random stuff first tho It's all like Desktop\Demonbuddy 1.0.1194.285\Plugins\GilesTrinity\XmlTags\TrinityLoadProfile.cs(80,21) : warning CS0618: 'Zeta.Internals.Service.BnetGames.LeaveGame(bool)' er for?ldet: 'This method is obsolete, please use ZetaDia.Service.Party.LeaveGame' wat do
Hey guys. I'm pretty new to this so had a couple of questions: First, is there a way to change it so that you don't pick up blue items? Second, I see that there are separate profiles listed here for each area. Is there a way to set it so that you can hit more than one of the areas? Thanks
PRELIMINARY TESTING 1.07 PATCH COMPATIBLE DEMONBUDDY v300 TRINITY NEWEST This is version "Z" which was intended for public use, but was never released before. I am releasing this before I could test it in it's entire run. Please be advised and post bugs here. Updating with a yar Loader in a moment.
It makes the game but stays in town.... keep getting repeat messages...... ] Loaded profile [Galkaizer v3 Public] The Original Alkaizer Run [22:16:23.318 N] Game joined, Resetting profile caches. [22:16:23.374 N] Target range is now added... Loot radius is set to 80, default db sets at and kill at 45 [22:16:30.605 N] ProfileOrderManager.OnGameJoined, Reloading profile.
Could someone please tell me how to load all the separate files so i can run more than one location in A3?