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  • [A3 Inferno] Ultimate SkyHigh Farm

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Magi, Dec 15, 2012.

    1. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      deaths will kill your stats, keep him alive :)

      Nah, the pitfalls of random dungeon exploring unfortunately. Sometimes it's a hit or a miss, just depends on how the dungeon forms. That's why I've typically stuck with my Max versions to avoid.

      Make sure you guys devote enough time to a profile before dismissing it...usually takes a few hours to get realistic stats as runs can vary tremendously. Right now running some tinnkaizer and getting some juicy gph...we'll see if it holds up over time :)

      Performing the shootout so I'll have some good info for everyone. Will take a bit as I need to devote quite a few hours to each profile without any interruptions.
    2. vman12

      vman12 New Member

      Jan 10, 2013
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      Well for a monk, which is what I'm leveling atm rather successfully... farming at least.

      Aim for these stats, and you should be farming a3 with no contest on mp0-2

      hp - 40k
      DPS - 90k buff this with blazing wrath and overawe = 120k ish (2h skorn with 5.7LS)
      Resistance -600-500 one type // with passive
      Life steal 5.7% - weapon
      300-400 - Loh (Life on Hit)
      Pretty much what im running with and only a few stupid bot deaths, but these can't be helped really, just have to live with it.
      Last edited: Feb 2, 2013
    3. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      funny how runs can vary...Tinnk v7...first run was getting my around 700kgph, very good run. I was impressed.

      2nd run, just in Crater level 1, destroyed that number.

      Got stuck (I cheated, I helped him out vs waiting for inactivity timer)...then he walks near the exit, and decides he wants to explore other areas on the opposite side of the map. Again, pitfalls of random dungeon exploring. The first run did it beautifully and it totally blew it the 2nd time. Some trinity random dungeon tags would help with the inactivity, I imagine that is coming in v8 but one of many reasons why random dungeons suck unless it's been Gardettosized. :)
    4. ggmuse

      ggmuse New Member

      Aug 30, 2012
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      This is likely the best and easiest to use profile for EXP farming atm. Very good for gold too. I get 400-500k/gph and 22m/hr across my budget monks(~75m). Most are near paragon 100 right now.

      However, I'm still unsure as to which profile is the best for items/gold once you get to paragon 100...
    5. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      SkyHigh Raoha Version will be your best for loot. Gold is a toss up, though I'm thinking Max Extended would be good to try as well as Skyhigh Original Extended. I'm doing a shootout of all my profiles and competitors and will be offering results so people can decide what profile works best for them.

      For quick run at where I'm at, here is the low-down:

      Skyhigh Max Extended:

      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 7h 21m 46s
      Total deaths: 1 [0.140000000596046 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 23 [3.11999988555908 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 204.619995117188 million [27.7900009155273 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 4710.2001953125 Thousand [639.710021972656 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 3854 [523.419982910156 per hour]

      Tinnkaizer v7

      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 5h 44m 2s
      Total deaths: 1 [0.17 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 7 [1.22 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 146.56 million [25.56 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 3154.51 Thousand [550.14 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 2592 [452.04 per hour]

      Still running Tinn for a few more hours before calling it in. Had 2 inactivity timers (well, technically one, I helped the first one out). After that, I dropped my gold inactivity down to 120 seconds instead of the my previous 160 seconds to help these random profiles out.

      On Max, had one inactivity timer trip (DB, not gold...somehow couldn't find the town waypoint IN TOWN in 1/23 games....? Um ok. Guess that DB bug is still lurking. I didn't help there, wasn't around too. Just saw the log. Also noticed a bad randomized point in my tower code level 2 right before I was closing out Max Extended test run. Had to fix it of course...end up costing me a little bit of numbers on that run since I made sure to re-walk that entire tower level, but nothing major so I'll leave it for now.

      May re-run both of these since technically I interfered with them. As I'm sitting here typing, bot got stuck again in Crater 2 on Tinn...same map area. This explorer does NOT like this part at all. I'm not going to interfere, but this 3x in a row I've watched it get stuck in this same stupid spot. Definitely costing tinnkaizer some numbers as it takes 30-60 seconds to get out. v8 should address this hopefully :)
      Last edited: Feb 2, 2013
    6. badteeth

      badteeth New Member

      Feb 1, 2013
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      Where is this info logged? or How do you create these logs?
    7. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Logged via Trinity (inside TrinityLogs folder)...look for RunStats
    8. Gorax

      Gorax New Member

      Jan 5, 2013
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      Hi,i search just loot and i see you write its Raoha best for loot
      Did you test it? :)
      Thank's for all yours work ^^
    9. liegre

      liegre New Member

      Dec 22, 2012
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      Hello, when I start SkyHigh Extended Ultimate v0.2 on my bot enters the game and in 2 seconds tells me finished and heading back out to the menu. Can you help me I'm new and do not know what I'm doing wrong.
    10. ireasec

      ireasec New Member

      Nov 3, 2012
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      Magi, what about that Max version with "bridge stores"? :(
    11. vman12

      vman12 New Member

      Jan 10, 2013
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      I've been watching the comments on the gardettosized run, and seen enough to want to try it out, but I can't find a link for the profile, I've read back a few pages and the dropbox links are now empty, which is bad news for me I guess. Any chance of popping up a link in your sig, or front page.
    12. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Here you go!

      I separated it out because Max is aimed at XP/Gold and stores slows us down a bit (good for loot, but not sure it's worth the investment if targeting specifically XP/Gold...but maybe it is? :)

      Also, I've included an updated Gardettos edition...aptly named Ultimate Raoha Magi/Gardettos Edition. It's put out some very nice numbers (beating out extended max in XP for sure, other ones are pretty much a draw). I let it run overnight, I am now running Ultimate SkyHigh Raoha. Will post results of that later today...here is the tally thus far;

      Ultimate Raoha Magi/Gardettos Edition
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 9h 6m 23s
      Total deaths: 2 [0.22 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 31 [3.4 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 276.96 million [30.41 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 6021.09 Thousand [661.18 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 4874 [535.22 per hour]

      SkyHigh Max Extended
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 7h 21m 46s
      Total deaths: 1 [0.140000000596046 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 23 [3.11999988555908 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 204.619995117188 million [27.7900009155273 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 4710.2001953125 Thousand [639.710021972656 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 3854 [523.419982910156 per hour]

      Tinnkaizer v7
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 5h 44m 2s
      Total deaths: 1 [0.17 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 7 [1.22 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 146.56 million [25.56 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 3154.51 Thousand [550.14 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 2592 [452.04 per hour]

      Anyone who was using the gardettos edition before may want to update and compare. I've added FoS after watching it consistent bring profiles number back up (everyone's) and it seems to have worked for me. Would appreciate feedback on that (backed up with fairly lengthy tests...aka longer than 3 hours)

      Just an FYI most of these profiles seem to equalize 3-4 hours in. I left gardettos on overnight which is why I let it run 9+ hours. Probably only need 5. Tinnk seemed to equalize around 3-4 hours in, but I saw numbers going up a bit so I left it for 2 more hours and quit it at it's peak (it finished with a strong last run, but it had been bouncing up and down for the past hour and a half).

      When comparing my stats, realize gph seems to fluctuate by 25,000 give or take. EHP about half a mil. IPH probably 10-15. Any profiles near each other by about that much I'd consider a draw.

      For XP, Gardettos Edition is a clear leader. I think Max (not extended) should be close to this, but I'm thinking Gardettos part is going to push it to the top. Keeps 2 is still hit/miss in that profile though. Gold and Loot is pretty close to call between those 2, but Gardettos edition is still technically leading in all aspects!

      Tinnk is quite a bit longer and as such, sees a drop in all stats. Judging by the looks of v8, will probably see a healthy boost in numbers on the next revision. I imagine rrrix cut will be similar, maybe a touch better because it is using new random tags, but we will see. However, because they are longer, you may run with less chances to find good loot, but the loot you do find, has a better chance of being good because you're running with NV5 for *much* longer. Keep that in mind. My logs back me up on this as I found more legends per hour on the shorter versions...of course all the legends I found sucked lol.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Feb 3, 2013
    13. vman12

      vman12 New Member

      Jan 10, 2013
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      Great stuff, thanks alot, I'll be back in 4hrs with results.
    14. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      As I was writing my long winded post, it is contained in there. Do try it, it could be the best one yet! Thank goodness for his manual mapping of Crater 2....Raoha cut with the explore dungeon tags just tripped the same inactivity timer crap that tinnk v7 did...parts of that map just don't seem to like it. I didn't have much luck with the trinity variant either. Gardetto ftw
    15. ireasec

      ireasec New Member

      Nov 3, 2012
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      Thanks Magi.
    16. vman12

      vman12 New Member

      Jan 10, 2013
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      just for my information.. how much gf / mf are you guys running with? Im p52 with gf 256/ and mf 263, and gold has been fairly crappy all through the grinds, mind you, I haven't exactly geared for gold or magic, just dps / surv.
    17. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      my GF is maxed at 375%. MF is 347% currently. Get your radius up past 10. Boosting that will make a huge difference in gold.

      Skyhigh Raoha Stats thus far:
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 0h 49m 9s
      Total deaths: 0 [0 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 0 [0 per hour]
      (your games left value may be bugged @ 0 due to profile managers/routines etc., now showing games joined instead:)
      Total games joined: 1 [1.22 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 25.11 million [30.65 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 549.86 Thousand [671.13 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 411 [501.65 per hour]

      That's with a 120s gold inactivity trip too at the beginning...hot dog! lets see if she finds her way out of crater 2 this time :)
    18. mephuser1000

      mephuser1000 Active Member

      Jun 10, 2011
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      All the profiles that start at the Azmodan's Door checkpoint in Core of Arreat will fail to work in 1.07 because "the functionality to resume at checkpoints" will be removed in 1.07.
    19. vman12

      vman12 New Member

      Jan 10, 2013
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      ok burnt another million gold on radius gear up from 0-14 now, re-starting m/g edition. thanks for the tip ;)
    20. vman12

      vman12 New Member

      Jan 10, 2013
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      just popped in to see how it was goint and seen this happen, any ideas?

      Think it was an interweb lagspike or something, Ill keep it going for another while
      Last edited: Feb 3, 2013

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