Magi, my bot got hit, so I don't bot any more. For curiosity's sake I loaded forums to see how it's going, and you are still going strong and helping people out. Huge respect for you. Bless you. Good man.
Is this profile working since the update post ban wave? and if so, what's the deal with .01 vs .02? thanks for any info
Working. v0.2 TrinityMoveTo - Replaced all appropriate MoveTo's with TrinityMoveTo's - Re-mapped FoS with quicker run...may still need some refining. Whats not understood? instead of using MoveTo it uses TrinityMoveTo which is more efficient and human-like, and FoS = Fields of Slaughter
If this has been asked before, i'm sorry. I keep getting stuck on the barricade in skycrown. I watched the bot for 3 cycles and it just sits there. Anything I can do to fix that?
This happens a lot for me using the Extended Profile in Arreat Crater level 2. The end of the map is literally 2 steps away, and the bot back tracks all the way back to the portal before the way point and teleports there. Is this intended? Is there a setting we could use to make the bot actually see the end of the map a bit further away so it can trigger the end of the profile instead of walking all the way back to end it? Just thought I'd say that this is a fantastic profile. The following stats is achieved using only 31% gem on the helm, and no other EXP modifiers ===== Misc Statistics ===== Total tracking time: 7h 41m 8s Total deaths: 3 [0.39 per hour] Total games (approx): 17 [2.21 per hour] Total XP gained: 224.24 million [29.18 million per hour] ===== Item DROP Statistics ===== Items: Total items dropped: 7017 [913.01 per hour]
Another issue I just encountered. Finished running Core of Arreat, uses the way point to Stonefort. Before it can do anything, it teleports to town due to a town run. Finishes the town run, and then goes back to the TP. Then this happens...
Anyone having problems with the barricades just download "DestroyBarricade" from the Leveling profile pack \ Gnome's thread
The start file does not work. It sais its something wrong the the code that change to the next profile, thought all the other files work perfect
Are there other trinity only profiles that are coded in the same way this 1 is? this is prolly the best prof ive used, so fast. thanks for your work.
I dont get it, how i can download this profile? i downloading script, what should i do with it? Would be nice if someone will help me with it
Hi Magi, I am interested when i saw your profile , but i was not encouraged to use it as my character still dies 1-3 times per hour . Should i still use this profile ? Also if i die 1-3 times per hour , should i use radsatom instead?
hello to everyone I am a member, and you want to know the new...My problem is with the Ultimate SkyHigh Farm. i used the plugin: Trinityplugin and trinityRoutine...When I start up the game and start uploading the necessary files to the program.Arreat Creater start with Level 2 and here after finishing and the game is going back to the starting point.Can you please help me with this??
hey Guys, unfortunately I lost my bot to the big banwave last week...not sure if and when I'll be returning. Don't feel like shelling out the cash since I didn't bot for money and it's a busy time of year for me as well. Prior to the banwave, this was working great. No clue how it is operating with the updates to DB and Trinity. This is a pretty basic profile but v2 does rely on Trinity for the Movements. Any issues with barricades should be posted to Trinity as that is supposed to handle them, profile does not. In my absence, if you find a specific stuck point, increase the path precision of the point. I ran this for awhile and found no stucks but as things change, I imagine stucks will crop up now and then. Good luck to you all and as always, happy hunting!
Magi, Sorry to see you go -- you've been a great contributor to the community. If the DB devs were smart they would comp you a key and get you developing again. I for one would donate $5 to getting you back Cheers PS - I'm getting a smooth 30mil/hr with my SW swap monks... no leorics, no hell fire ring! EDIT: I accidentily a word
haha thanks richarjb...appreciate the offer. I might hop back in time but I think I'll use the ban as an excuse for a diablo break. Money isn't really an issue but my time is and I look forward to playing a few other games for a bit. Feeling the need to go back and play some games of yesteryear. Much of what I wanted to accomplish was accomplished and I believe Tinnvec is back online who should be able to continue refining these gold/xp/loot profiles out. There are a number of other active contributors and they are all welcome to use any part of this profile or my other profiles/plugins. Keep the bot advancement going I say! Perhaps if Blizzard releases any new quest or something I might be inclined to jump back on. I like attacking stuff nobody has touched personally. If someone really wants/needs my help, feel free to PM me. I'd be inclined to borrow an account for test purposes as needed. I personally can't stand leveling any more characters and have no interest in making money with it...just enjoy dev work (if you haven't already noticed). Bot on brothers...
Magi! Sad to hear that you're leaving Could you please help me out with something? This happens a lot for me using the Extended Profile in Arreat Crater level 2. The end of the map is literally 2 steps away, and the bot back tracks all the way back to the portal before the way point and teleports there. Is this intended? Is there a setting we could use to make the bot actually see the end of the map a bit further away so it can trigger the end of the profile instead of walking all the way back to end it? I opened the XML file and i see the box tolerance etc.. What should I change? So that the bot can see the end of the map from a slightly further distance and trigger the TP to end the run?
I'm sad to see me go too for the issue here, this map is a random dungeon so the only MoveTo is when it has actually found the exit (and it moves to the Actor so no coordinates to alter). I can't say I've witnessed this myself on this particular profile, but on random dungeons (caves primarily) it would often get near the exit, but not close enough to find it because of the ExploreArea tag settings...I would suggest tweaking the boxSize/tolerance of the explorearea tag here: Current: Code: <!-- ********************* --> <!-- Arreat Crater Level 2 --> <If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 119305"> <ExploreArea questId="101758" stepId="1" ignoreGridReset="True" boxSize="25" boxTolerance="0.15" until="ExitFound" exitNameHash="43541786" statusText="Clearing Arreat Crater Level 2 from WP to Exit" /> Try this: Current: Code: <!-- ********************* --> <!-- Arreat Crater Level 2 --> <If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 119305"> <ExploreArea questId="101758" stepId="1" ignoreGridReset="True" boxSize="15" boxTolerance="0.10" until="ExitFound" exitNameHash="43541786" statusText="Clearing Arreat Crater Level 2 from WP to Exit" /> Basically, the smaller the box size, the more "searching" the bot has to do (it will **attempt** to explore every box, though I can say it doesn't always work like it should-DB issue). The boxTolerance determines how much of the actual "dungeon terrain" needs to be in a box for it to count as a place to search. This is for the edges. A tighter tolerance (0.01 is the tightest) means it will capture virtually EVERY edge. It just means more processing power required and slower the search, but it theoretically should search every square inch of the map (even though I know for a fact in doesn't always do that). Simple sum up: You want to make the box size as big as possible, but still able to search through all the corridors necessary to find what you're looking for. Bigger the box, quicker the search and less backtracking, but more of a chance it doesn't find what you want. You can also try keeping boxSize at 25 and tighten up the tolerance to say 0.05...which should capture more edges (like the door), but sometimes a smaller box size is needed for it to work better. It's a bit of a guessing game, and even then, sometimes it simply doesn't work like it should (the small caves are notorious for just not working which is why I couldn't included Frost Caverns). I applaud Tinnvec for possibly creating a plugin for his profile. Unfortunately it is instances like these where we can have something monitor the exploreArea tags specifically and look for dumb behavior, or just wait for DB to improve. It isn't as easy as one might think so no offense to DB, just in some instances the "bot" really shows its true colors (not in a good way). Use the Map Viewer to help with exploreArea adjustments in DB. Sorry for the long rant but good to understand how things work so you can make improvements to the profile as I cannot at this point