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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by phaedrus, Sep 26, 2013.

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    1. phaedrus

      phaedrus Member

      Jul 12, 2013
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      If you think you are better than bot why you are in this forum? Its weird...
    2. Dominowood

      Dominowood Member

      Dec 20, 2012
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      Кто нибудь знает когда точно будет новый реализ hb?
    3. Tazzy77

      Tazzy77 New Member

      Aug 13, 2012
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      It never ends with you guys, unbelievable.

      Patch Day - 500 threads get made about the same thing.
      New patch out when is the update, 1 hour later other bots are working whens the update, 1 hour later over opinionated people argue in threads, 1 hour later someone says I would prefer a safe version, then someone who is on the forums 24/7 says go out and get some sun!, 1 hour later WTF WHERE IS MY UPDATE.

      Then you receive and update and complain all over again about the same shit.
      Please grow up, be patient and stop wasting the administrators time.
    4. cmavo87

      cmavo87 New Member

      Sep 17, 2012
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      I don't want to derail the thread but I HAVE to reply to this....

      1) I agree with the statement that no PvP bot will ever be as good as a skillful PvP'er who plays by hand - as the bot can't think like a human and adapt to ever-changing situations (which is what PvP is)


      2) For you to say that if someone can't beat a custom made PvE rotation bot in a raid environment that they are a "failure" is so wrong on so many levels. Why should a human be able to beat a well made PvE bot? Humans are susceptible to error, hence the term "human error", computers are not... PvE is not ever-changing, it is a set sequence:

      At this time, x will occur / hit this button when you get x proc / do this when x happens. It does_not_change, therefore a well written PvE profile, will almost ALWAYS out-perform someone playing a class by hand in a PvE environment. Good profiles are coded in a way that everything is accounted for - good profiles are written BASED OFF SIMCRAFT - which is a program that players from top guilds around the world base THEIR playstyle / gearing off. So, if humans are copying a computer - and a computer (the profile) is copying a computer, which one is going to make the most errors?

      Well written profiles also have the ability to have utility coded in as well (brez's / dispels etc), so yes they have everything covered.

      I'm sorry to say but if you are outperforming your profiles everytime, your profiles are dogshit. Go get a paid profile (one that is better than yours), stop wasting people's money with yours and I guarantee you won't be outplaying it by hand.
    5. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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