Cool, think I'll be adding that in then as that is certainly much better To anyone having issues with stashing and the like, those are all bot controlled, nothing to do with the profile.
Is this doable with a 70k Dps (SS enabled) Demonhunter with 16.000 life? How does it detect if there's an unbeatable champion pack won't it just die over again and again?
A few thoughts, i know this isnt your script, but keep in mind, it gets caught between stashing and selling 99% of the time. Now, something your bot does do is sometimes runs past the ancient path towards the desolate sands, if it gets the checkpoint there, it gets ambushed by invul minions every so often and constant dies over and over. It doesnt always go down the alcove in the bottom left on the left side of the road to alcarnus. i have t o supervise a char that can solo act 3 inferno with ease to make sure it doesnt run past where it should, or get stuck after each inventory run.
So, I haven't seen any people post some results. With Sarkoth I can net a couple 1+ million items as well as 600k gph overnight. How about this area?
How can i turn off gold looting ?! i'm using this Salvage59-60KeepJewelryRares&GFMF&WeaponsThenSellEverythingElse and, i use a DH 20k hp, 58k dps! but i fail so hard! dont have any res, but 237mf! what should i change ?!
constantly getting stuck when going to repair in town between the stash and the wooden shield holder object thing to the right of the stash, unstucker isn't fixing it. eventually it seems like it sometimes figures out a way around after 5-10 minutes, but sometimes never.
Uh.. if the goblin spawns either on the very south part of the first area (up the stairs from checkpoint) or just around the corner from the Teleport location .. the script doesnt see/care about it and leaves
Also, if a goblin is chased up the ramp and the checkpoint is taken, the script continues to run erroneously edit: fixed this by changing the <if> condition for me.isintown to a while loop : <While condition="Me.IsInTown == False"> <UseTownPortal questId="1" /> </While> edit: well, the problem is now if you get that checkpoint it just tps on every game entry ..
try the "anti-ganger" plugin, it fixed a lot of issues with the profile for me like the one you mention
also make sure your profile does this: Originally Posted by UREG I changed it to <GameParams quest="57337" step="26" act="A2" difficulty="Inferno" resumeFromSave="False" isPrivate="True" numGames="-1" /> it is the Kullen kill quest and seems to be working perfectly for me it always starts with a new quest so doesn't matter if it takes a checkpoint or not
And my best advice is to run this profile without any plugins so make a clean install of DB and run it seperately because atlest for me most of the sarkoth plugins (even when disabled) caused my char to do unintented stuff like not looting and skipping mobs.. No idea why Edit: Here is a good lootrule for this profile
Appreciate all the support you've been givin' folks for my profile Gonna be going over it tomorrow. Doing another skim of it all, implementing some things that have been brought up and hopefully have it running much better than ever.
Is rly worth hunt goblins whitout NV 5? i dont know what golins in act2 u guys are talking about but, in act 1, in the same checkpoint of sarkoth, if u run down u can find a open celar that can have a goblin too.
Yes goblinfarm is the most efficient way for farming items( kills per item ratio ), and it's more effective if you have MF on your normal gear so you get better quality items and higher chance for rares. Here is diablofans post about it: [Ongoing Project] Magic Find and its efficiency: A statistical insight - Theorycrafting and Analysis - Diablo Discussion and Community Forums - Please note that this is before the 103 patch so the amount of 63 level items is higher now and I would say I get ~5 over 1m items every day. And sidenote this is not a profile that you can just press play and go afk like sarkoth because at the moment DB fails to navigate to vendors at the hidden camp and you need really good gear to take care of the mobs and goblin fast enough in act 2 Edit: Act 1 goblin is totally nerfed and not worth the farm and can't post proper statistics because I'm not running this profile all the time but I have earned ~400? and 50m gold with goblin farming