What about when your inventory is full? It will teleport to town and hit a checkpoint in town when going to sell, and the resume game will not start in the old ruins like its suppose to, thus breaking the bot.
Finaly got it running (the 1€ version), but will buy a 1 session life time version tommorow. Thanks makes collecting gold more easy . Watch a movie and get gold a win win situation.
okay... please stop with saying the update update update... I have had the same problem as it seems others are and the only reply is to update. here is my log and I am up to date on the bot but it still does not continue once it enters the cellar. [14:35:16.446 N] Demonbuddy v1.0.442.84 started [14:35:18.684 N] Logging in... [14:35:19.319 N] [14:35:19.649 N] Attached to Diablo III with pid: 5968 [14:35:19.719 N] Flashing window [14:35:23.487 N] Current bot set to Order Bot [14:35:23.491 N] Loaded profile Sarkoth farm profile by Nesox [14:35:36.092 N] Chose Generic as your combat routine. [14:35:36.781 N] Loaded profile Sarkoth farm profile by Nesox [14:35:37.096 N] Creating new game, Params: <Act:A1 Difficulty:Inferno Quest:72095 QuestStep:51 ResumeFromSave:True IsPrivate:True> [14:35:42.641 N] ###################### REPORT ###################### [14:35:42.642 N] Gold: 207220 [14:35:42.644 N] Blues: 1 [14:35:42.646 N] Yellows: 0 [14:35:42.648 N] Legendaries: 0 [14:35:42.650 N] Set items: 0 [14:35:42.650 N] #################################################### [14:36:14.110 N] [Items] Loaded Item Rules: Default Item Rules [14:36:48.635 N] Interacting with object g_Portal_Square_Blue-293 [14:36:49.072 N] Stopping the bot. [14:36:49.078 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
Same here not entering cellar and after entering manual just standing there. First impressions not too good..... Only profile working is the core of arreat untill now
Trying to run it with my Monk, and it enters the Cellar, however, when Sarkroth is too far away, it just tps, and skip the rest, and if I set up the kill radius, it kills like the whole area before the cellar. Also, when it attacks, it makes 1 attack, and run away, and run into the mob. Is this how it's supposed to be? Isn't it meant to kill Sarkroth? My bot is just getting 40-50k/hr. Also, its needed to wear full gf/mf gear to get any gold/items?
anyone know if we need to change the kill radius or something? Because on my wiz with full GF gear, I pretty much run up to the zombie attack it, and it 1 shots me.
Hey Nesox, i just bought lifetime 3 sessions and tried demonbuddy+your sarkoth profile for a while, thx for your hard work! As i'm using the DH goldfarming profile+autoit recently, i found out that demonbuddy and your posted profile still have lots of potential to be improved. May be you can read this thread: [Goldfarming] notAres' Sarkoth DH Gold Script [AutoIT Script] [1920x1080] where i got my autoit profile, with this one i can basicly finish one open cellar run in 45 secs as a DH, maybe you could try to build this autoit profile in your work. I do tried to send it as private message, but your message box is full......
Apologies if some already reported, but after stashing and selling the new checkpoint is triggered and the bot runs all the way from town to the location.
i think the problem with thoes who teleport back before killing everything is , that u need to long to kill him. i have often the same problem
~250k/h 25 runs and counting. Very nice profile much better than Core of Arreat in my experiences. DH 220% GF 12% Movement 14 Pickup Radius + Ferrets My only complaint is the bot fighting all the trash mobs outside. Wish I could set it to ignore the stuff outside Sarkoth's room. Just use Vault/Smokescreen or something to bypass. But it's good enough as it is.
are your settings all default? like loot radius, kill radius, and also which routine are you using?? Generic or the Belphegor?
Good job. I have a couple of suggestions though. I noticed that when its time to repair/vendor the bot will lose the checkpoint and will start walking from far away. So my two cents on this is that you need to add a code to check whether or not it's on the checkpoint, if not, leave game and redo from the 2nd substep of the 2nd step.
My loot radius is 40 kill radius is 30. Generic routine. I'm experimenting with kill radius. I think if I drop it a little lower I might be able to avoid some trash outside. But then you get closer to Sarkoth and risk death there too so idk.
My Barb kills all the boss friends, then attacks the boss for abit and teleports (leaving the boss alive) Why? This is with a 40k DPS
A few posts back I think it's because it ports regardless after a set amount of time. I think if you edit it, and adjust the wait time it'll be better. My problem was is that it somehow managed to go down to the cow king and tried to attack him. Hah!