it will deposit or withdraw all? b/c it says you must be at bank im trying to mess w/ this for gbank of course
kind of like when you clicked submit reply. it just submits a post no matter if it's worth posting or not.
I think the tutorial is assuming you're using inscription bags for your glyphs, in which case you could just tell it to transfer from inscription bags on your char to inscription bags in your bank. Might be beneficial to set it up this way so you can use the mod to do what you want. Otherwise, I don't think there are any addons which will do what you're asking.
Maybe not. But i brushed up on my macro skills Deposit: /script for bag = 0,4,1 do for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag), 1 do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot); if name and (string.find(name,"Snowfall") or string.find(name,"Ink of the")) then UseContainerItem(bag,slot) end;end;end Withdraw: /script for bag = 5, 11 do for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if name and string.find(name,"Pigment") then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Get" UseContainerItem(bag,slot) end end end I don't know how to include the original bank space (-1, the space in bank you have even if you have no bags). But those work OKish for what i need. I can post one that works for gbank too if anyone needs it.
the deposit macro pulls all ink of the sea and snowfall ink from the bags to your bank. the withdraw macro gets all pigment (azure and icy in my case) from the bank to the bags (so you can craft). If there is anything in the slots of your bank (the 28 slots you have before getting any bags) it won't pick it up. I don't know how to add it in the macro. Guild bank: withdraw all items from selected guild bank tab to your bags: /run for i = 1, 98 do if MainMenuBarBackpackButton.freeSlots == 0 then break end AutoStoreGuildBankItem(GetCurrentGuildBankTab(), i) end opposite /run for b = 0, 4 do for s = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(b) do if MerchantFrame:IsShown() then break end UseContainerItem(b, s) end end
would it be possible to make the guild bank macro withdrawal a specific item and say 15 stacks of it?
I guess: /run for t=1,GetNumGuildBankTabs()do for s=1,98 do local l=GetGuildBankItemLink(t,s)if l and strfind(l,"ITEMNAME")then SetCurrentGuildBankTab(t)AutoStoreGuildBankItem(t,s)end end end where t=1 is the tab number and ITEMNAME is ... you know Don't know about specific stacks.
ooo these rock. i dunno if they lag (after you hit it) it takes a few secs for it to deposit/withdraw all confirmed: hit the macro, wait a few secs and BOOM your bags are full/empty HOLY CRAP thanks!
you can use this macro to fill your mailbox with... /run for b = 0, 4 do for s = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(b) do if MerchantFrame:IsShown() then break end UseContainerItem(b, s) end end if you put the /script resetuierrors that we have for our mounts, this works great for mailbox deposit too
i tried this for Icethorn and wow... it filled my bags with icethorn from all of my bank tabs haha. but maybe bc i clicked it, moved gtabs and clicked it again -_- update: i went to 2nd gtab and clicked it, it keeps selecting my 5th gtab? does it count from bottom up? i mean its a great macro, i'd just like to perfect it... hehe. it did loot all icethorn from 2nd tab and 3rd and 4th tab until bags were full
I dont use Postal, but, i tryed it, and that speed setting hack already exists inside the addons settings, and with UI I use BulkMail, and BulkMailInbox... u can mass mail stuff straight from AH char to DE char, and back, and ores to prospecting char, and back, and all stuff farmer farms, say u arent using GB auto mailer....
withdraw all items from selected guild bank tab to your bags: /run for i = 1, 98 do if MainMenuBarBackpackButton.freeSlots == 0 then break end AutoStoreGuildBankItem(GetCurrentGuildBankTab(), i) end deposit /run for b = 0, 4 do for s = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(b) do if MerchantFrame:IsShown() then break end UseContainerItem(b, s) end end deposit also works with mailboxes... it loots the first 12 items from your bags and puts into mailbox slots, works GREAT. i can mail a full 96 stacks (4x 20 bags + backpack) in a few seconds
i found this on mmowned forums posted way back in september: WITHDRAW ALL FROM GUILD BANK (SPECIFIED ITEM) /run for t=1,GetNumGuildBankTabs()do for s=1,98 do local l=GetGuildBankItemLink(t,s)if l and strfind(l,"YOURITEM")then SetCurrentGuildBankTab(t)_G[format("GuildBankColumn%dButton%d", ceil(s/14),s%14)]:Click("RightButton")end end end WITHDRAW ALL FROM GUILD BANK (GREENS) /run for t=1,GetNumGuildBankTabs()do for s=1,98 do local l=GetGuildBankItemLink(t,s)if l and strfind(l,"cff1eff00")then SetCurrentGuildBankTab(t)_G[format("GuildBankColumn%dButton%d", ceil(s/14),s%14)]:Click("RightButton")end end end DEPOSIT/TRADE/MAIL ALL ITEMS (SPECIFIED) /run for b=0,4 do for s=0,22 do l=GetContainerItemLink(b,s) if l and l:find("YOURITEM")then UseContainerItem(b,s) end end end DEPOSIT/TRADE/MAIL ALL ITEMS (GREENS) /run for bag=0,4 do for slot=1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do local texture,itemCount,locked,quality=GetContainerItemInfo(bag,slot) if quality==2 then UseContainerItem(bag,slot) end end end
Those macros totally own, i just made quite a nice panel, such as buttons to store all types of herbs i farm, ore, aswell as to take out all ore for prospecting and 2 buttons to takeAll and storeAll. Quite nice, now.. if we had an addon with all that so it would be easier to configure... edit: i guess i could make one, and learn some goddam lua