Updated fixed the Kaidala issue, but now the bot just runs to Tristram's gate and stands there doing nothing still?
Cool profile. Now that i have a fix for my wd's spirit barrage, i can beat the timer. The profile runs smooth now, ill let you know the results.
It's not a 100% spawn chance, it's a 100% chance to spawn skeleton king when you open the chest. It's 1/4 runs indeed. Not seeing much legendaries, so the nerf might be true.
Profile is getting better all the time! thanks for the constant updates. my hero seems to get stuck alot on objects which means this profile isnt afkable
- DO NOT SALVAGE! (BD bug causes bot to run to town gate and timeout) << i don't salvage anything, i sell all but legendary but each time it go to town to first stash then sell then it directly run to the uber boss door, destroy it and then run to the gate and get stuck. This always happen when it wanna sell.
Did not that the problem is that i cant figure out how to sell white items guess i just skip and dont loot it.
anybody here have any luck getting these Act 1 legen drops doing this run: Mad Monarch's Scepter, Sanguinary Vambraces bracers or Ring of Royal Grandeur?
cant get it to loot "Death's Breath" which is annoying as i need those -.- also would be awesome if it would only focus the "Wretched Mother's" like the video showed instead of killing all the packs etc, slows you down on loot a lot :/
thx alot for your hard work and time loopdy. beside my dmg is not high enough to kill sk in t1(im only doing it hard mode) and the selling and sal part this is one of the perfect profiles that i love to use. keep up the great work.
They didn't nerf manglemaw, they didn't nerf skeleton king. No drop rate changes. It's just.. my tinfoil hat tells me blizzard introduced to loottables again. Cause i noticed i find alot of the same shit on the same bosses. Tinfoil hat theorie though
video??? Wretched Mother's??? are you posting in the right forum?? are the Wretched Mothers even in Adventure mode in this area? I've been working on an update, changing the pathing around to prevent any stucks. This will probably be for the slow version only as it seems that it is the most downloaded, and makes sense to kill everything to prevent not being able to kill SK. Please post in DB Beta thread about fixing the Townrun bug, and hope it is answered. (no idea why this is not a priority update) If your not picking up "this or that", it's cause you have not setup Trinity properly. Post in Trinity Thread for these issues. Last but not lest, Thank you for your "Likes" and appreciation!