Anybody else, has the Prob that the Toon wont townport and sell or salvage? Don't know how to handle this prob Greetings
First of all, I want to say this is best profile I have used for RoS so far. Thank you so much! I've been doing it with a barb on T3 and I've been averaging around 800,000 gph and 2 lph, at 10 games per hour. I've watched it quite a bit and the only problem it has is with cursed chests. Sometimes it activates perfectly fine, other times he tries to activate it but fails. Not sure what would cause that, but thought I'd let you know anyways. By the way, it might be nice to lengthen the wait time after activating cursed chests because sometimes he gets really far away especially if he just cast sprint. Thank you again!
Just one question,i dont know if my thought is right but in adventure mode you do not get kill azmodan quest always. But with this profile you always get, so... They dont have a scan for this? Its safe the fact you repeat 1000 times same quest in sequel?
You can still fight him in adventure mode regardless of whether you get the quest or not. You can test it manually
New problem. I think that was fixed. The character now appears in Act 1. Make it so that wherever he appeared character ported to Azmodan. Or an act passed in the 5th and from there already written profile.
I did nothing. Just changed the character spawn. I think it's just a fix. But if manually move in 5th or third act. Porting to Azmodan
Not sure if it's random or what. I remember it was doing this the other day too. Without botting it was changing acts so I am not exactly sure what causes it but can't run the bot now that I am in act 1. :\
<If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 270011"> <UseWaypoint questId="1" x="557.9392" y="523.653" z="2.796464" actorId="6442" waypointNumber="38" /> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="200" /> </If> <If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 92945"> <UseWaypoint questId="1" x="401.759" y="414.875" z="1.5338" actorId="6442" waypointNumber="38"/> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="200"/> </If> we need to know the areid of ACT 1
<UseWaypoint questId="1" x="401.759" y="414.875" z="1.5338" actorId="6442" waypointNumber="38"/> we need this param too