Would it be possible to have the DoWork() from Agility.cs in a separate file that doesn't get updated in a SVN update. I have changed the keys as you have said to do (I use Razor like mouse (Logitech one) and prefer 7894 for 1234, as they are easier to reach on side with thumb) but now I'm not able to tell if the SVN has been updated as its always red, as I've manually changed a file. I know this is a very small problem and you probably have many more things to do than this, but I thought Id ask. Maybe there's a way to ignore that file from SVN, but even if there is, you may change that file in the future and then I wouldn't know its changed. Again sorry if this is just too much trouble, I just wish I knew enough about programming to help you out in some way. Thanks for this BTW, looking forward to Tank and Healing loads p.s. Maybe a way around this would be a change log on this thread? But no worries if that's too much work. I'll get by
You're able to 'Unversion and add to ignore list' Agility.cs if you are modding the keys. I'll be putting a GUI settings update out before my trip so people can customize their keys and class options, etc! Also, if you right click your folder you can view the SVN log! I'll also post a link to that log's feed in the main post though!
I heeded your advice on the Kinetic Energy requirement as I don't know much about Whirlwind spec! I also tweaked Channeling so that it shouldn't break the channel anymore (I hope), so if that defeats the purpose of the new 500 KE requirement, let me know. Finally I'm able to burn some free time on Stalker and hopefully test the buttload of changes I have waiting to be commited to the SVN!
Basically the Drop 5 DPS changes, which I pulled from your rotation contribution, and a few guides on the WS Forums! So Stance dancing for Preparation, etc!
Stance dancing is only done when you have the amp "Follow up" activated..its useless otherwise,and infact,makes you lose suit power..can agility check for amp points?if not..you may have to comment out stance dancing.
Awesome, Thanks. For now keep it on 500 KE, WW is overall your Nr1 dmg ability so a good uptime is wanted. For stalker, I'm not sure if this is already taken care of, but when i was leveling my stalker I noticed that when he doesn't have any resources to cast his spells he would just stand still and do nothing. I do not know anything about stalkers so I cant really provide any useful feedback, but perhaps he could use his 'autoattack' while waiting on resources? (Again im not sure if you already fixed this, please ignore if you already done so! Or if it is only a problem for low lvl stalkers.)
Wouldn't it be better to have Key 1 doing Single target DPS and Key 2 doing AOE? Not sure what I would use slow DPS for. With Stalker for example ST Rotation starts with an Impale where AOE should start with Neutralize. Anyways Its your call ofc. Just a suggestion.
I suspect this was due to a bug I patched up last night during testing, where unlearned LAS skills were causing an error, stopping it from continuing! I'll push that update in a few minutes. Typically, as long as you have the attack on the bar, Agility will eventually use it when it gets to that point in the priority list! This is a definite possibility for the future! I simply felt that for those that quest and level with it, it's handy for pulling mobs, or farming, etc, without burning their resources before everything has been rounded up!
Deathdisguise, If warrior amp Kinetic Drive is active the bot wants to sprint all the time. This obviously fucks up any rotation
Unfortunately I'm compelled to agree, and I had the idea to add it in. It's an impractical way to generate KE using the spring, it's just the best amp choice I think to get to Power Link, much better to hold off on power link until you have tier 8 relentless strikes to help with KE upkeep. oh well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
death,i dont like the ability manager for my stalker,for eg : if i'm casting preparation..the ability manager wont let me cast anything till the channel is complete..i have to dodge or sprint to cancel cast and then continue my rotation..its...disconcerting
While I personally am not happy with the current Channeling implementation either (it's a very dirty fix), it's a necessary evil for now as it fixes far more than it breaks. EDIT: Was just pointed out to me that it delays the use of Stun abilities, which is a more serious problem... so it'll probably get changed after all. =P
Pushed an update with a potential fix to interrupts, support for ChargeRelease spells, as well as considerable changes to Stalker, and even a super basic Spellslinger DPS role! (If this breaks things, please report any errors, and worst case scenario, revert to an older version until a fix has been released!)
Your Charge and Release logic appears buggy. First of all, it needs to set the Combat Options to Multi-Tap instead of Press and Release. Cast(true) and Cast(false) are supposed to simulate pressing and releasing a button, however those don't function. If it's set to the wrong setting, the bot will only tap spam weak Uncharged Charged Shots The Lua command would be Code: Apollo.SetConsoleVariable('spell.useButtonDownForAbilities', false) Second the function IsFullyCharged is also bugged, and always evaluates to false. Luckily, you can check it in Lua Code: return GameLib.GetPlayerUnit():GetCastElapsed() >= GameLib.GetSpell(SpellId):GetThresholdTime()*1000 Substitute SpellId for GameManager.LocalPlayer.CurrentCast.SpellId and it should work correctly.
Looking into this, I'm not experiencing the same issues when testing with 'Charged Shot'. It is fully charging, and SpellInformation.IsFullyCharged is indeed returning true when fully charged! (Perhaps you are the victim of a ninja fix? =P) I hate to say it, but.. please post a log with the Charged Shot spam issue taking place?
Based on a reread, I suspect this is simply a case of Agility not re-inforcing the SpellManager's cast behavior after it's been set otherwise by the default combat routine! Should be a simple fix. EDIT: Turns out it may be a mixture of this and undoing the combat settings that were enabled, as I 'may' have been able to recreate your Charged Shot spam. EDIT2: Kay! Got it all sorted out! GetCastElapsed is also insanely handy, so I threw that in there for good measure! Update to fix the compatibility issue coming shortly!