This may be a dumb question but, is there a UI for the CC's settings? If so is it broken for anyone else?
The Altarboy folder needs to be in CustomClasses. If you have it nested within a deeper directory structure the UI will fail to load.
Thank you for the quick reply, however: I created a new folder in CustomClasses (C:\Users\Dagradt\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5418\CustomClasses\AltarBoy), and using the SVN, installed Altarboy within this folder. From what you said I believe I have it correct, but still no UI.
i have sometimes the same problem. getting no errors. i think this happens sometimes, if i swtch fast targets, after vamptouch and spain is applyed. often on the third mob he stops, but if i cast something on him manually than its going on normal. sometimes i feel, on target switch ne dotting/casting/ reaction of the bot takes a lot of time unike i cast on my own. its only about 0.5-1 sek but on multimobs you fell this delay. i thinks the bot takes time to realise and check the new target. overall the bot is amazing. clipping and casting mindflay perfectly ^^ for pvp its a little too slow on targetswitch if i play with honorbuddy i have a litte more latency than without it ( its only 5-10 ms more) is the customclass or honorbuddy checking ingame latency for better spellqueue?
We've seen a bit of this, I'm pretty sure most of it has to do with the facing mechanics. It will be cleaned up in the next release.
This is almost certainly the facing mechanic. The bot is turning to DoT the additional mobs and has pivoted too far away from the primary target (which while in a group is the leader's target from LazyRaider, or otherwise the closest target). There's a flag set wrong that I found when I was building another combat routine. It will be cleaned up in the next major release along with some other minor changes. Thank you, glad that it's generally working well. This will actually be a bit faster when we implement the new and improved CanCast from the last release of Honorbuddy. We were using a custom CanCast to get this behavior. HB now does it in their API's so it will haul considerable ass moving through the routine. However, it almost moves too fast and we're having to figure out another solution for DoT's with a casting time (Vampiric Touch and Unstable Affliction). We don't support PvP at this time, and there's really not a good way to teach a bot how to properly select player targets that can rival a human. I'm not really sure I can provide you with a definitive answer here, but that is a really minor amount of lag.
Excited for the new release. Sorry, just saw your replies to my previous posts. I will attempt to snag some logs and post them for your viewing. -For auto targeting. Inside the AltarBoy GUI, you have a checkbox for 'auto select targets' ? I think it is? I have to disable this accordingly to specific 5 man heroics. Alt - Tab uncheck, run boss, alt - tab check; nothing major. Just a thought. I think it would also be cool, if you add logic to keep shackle up on a mob during a fight, until mob is targeted / losses health You have done an excellent job with this CC, is it easy to use, and puts me at the top of the DPS charts the majority of a time, which is awesome for heroics since the fights are so quick.
I don't necessarily need logs as much as I need specific encounters. I'm not at home so I can't necessarily check for how this is currently implemented with the Advanced Targeting (we went back and forth on how to implement presets.) But... ...Let's use Zul'Gurub as an example as it provides a fairly diverse style of Boss fights involving adds... Venoxis - No adds. Shouldn't have any problems as long as you don't set him to Ignore. Mandokir - Oh'gan should be set to Focus. When he pops up, we'll recognize him, DPS him til he's dead, then switch back to Mandokir. Kilnara - Set the tigers to focus. Will revert to Kilnara when they are all dead. Zanzil - Set Zanzil to focus. You may need to ignore the zombies. Jin'do - This boss it might be best to turn off targeting for... at least for the time being. The reason for this being that at the present time there's not an implemented way for the CC to check whether or not the Chains are shielded. If I recall correctly, the Chains essentially have a buff on them when shielded, which can be checked for, but we just haven't done so yet. Also, most tanks prefer that you don't DPS the jumpy guys that break the chains so they would likely need to be some kind of Special target as well. As you can see, the vast majority of boss fights can be handled by the CC without you having to tab around. I actually cannot think of another encounter besides Jin'do in which you would need to disable targeting, but if there's another, please let me know. As it stands, I can't really justify implementing a behavior that would potentially break several encounters and only fix one especially when you can just tab out once at the start of that fight and uncheck a box. If it it were a phase shift that it was breaking on, that might be a different story. We basically have this done. Working out some kinks in how to determine when to stop Shackling the target. For example, Shackling out-of-combat on Square(or Triangle or Circle) is something we can detect and Shackle the target then. However, when do we stop attempting to Shackle? Do we only do it out of combat? That's not a good solution for longer pulls/fights. Do we repeatedly Shackle that target? That's also not a good solution, because in the vast majority of cases you eventually have to kill the Shackle target, while the bot would continue to try and shackle it. Do we Shackle until it's the last mob left in range? What if it's not last in the kill order? What we'll most likely do is use the FocusedUnit flag and ask that you setup "/focus" and "/clearfocus" macros for this behavior. Though I would prefer something that involves less user intervention and also doesn't cause you to force you focus away from the the primary target on boss encounters (think Hex Lord Malacrass). Glad to hear it, mate.
Awesome. Thanks for the feedback. It was a pretty challenging feature to properly implement, I'm glad somebody isn't unticking those boxes.
"i opened up the config and saw the disc tab, and i jizzed in mah pants" *singing* please oh please do the disco mate
We're probably going to wait for a native method within Honorbuddy for determining which party members are in which group. The only way to currently do this is through a series of (extremely slow) LUA calls. Every time we'd be checking to see if Prayer of Healing should be cast, it would slow down the entire behavior tree. As it stands right now, we can either release a slow CC with Prayer of Healing or we can release a fast one without Prayer of Healing. Neither of which would meet our design goals nor our standards.
I personally haven't run all the way through this on my Shadow Priest, however the other developer on this project has. My understanding is that it there are no issues that can not be configured with the special targeting tab by selecting Mind Spike (Rag adds) and Mind Sear targets (spiderlings on Beth'tilac), et cetera... EXCEPT FOR ALYSRAZOR... on Alysrazor you will need to spam Mind Flay on the keyboard because the spell casting speed buff messes with our CanCast function, however the CustomClass will handle the rest. This should be fixed in the next major release of this project using the new native CanCast function in the latest HB build.