Hey CnG.. I used Fpsware's mage CC to level my mage, so I didn't have much experience with this one. I decided to check it out today on my arcane mage, and I found the configuration to be rather lacking.. Not sure if you understand the concept of playing arcane, but if we could get the arcane logic fixed it would make this CC excellent.. I'm more than willing to help test and provide feedback.. That being said, basic rotation is like this: Start in Burn phase: Arcane Blast until 80% mana. At 80% mana, pop trinkets, Arcane Power, Mana Gem, and Mirror Images. Then spam Arcane Blast until 30% mana. Evocate at 30% mana. Preservation phase: Pop flame orb, and then arcane blast until 95% mana. At 95% use Arcane Missile if it has proc'd, and if not use Arcane Barrage. Do not go below 95% mana in this phase. Arcane Missiles is your primary DPS spell during this phase - keep mana as close to 100% as possible. Arcane Barrage is only used when you absolutely have to clear Arcane Blast stacks and Arcane Missiles hasn't procced. When Evocate has 25 seconds left on cooldown and we are at 100% mana, start Burn phase over again. Rinse and repeat. My mage is only 387 ilvl atm and I can usually Arcane Blast 3-4 times from 100% to 95% before I have to reset my stack with arcane missiles. I can pull 28-30k by hand on Ultraxion in LFR.. Would be nice to get something close to that consistently.
Is it possible to add a targeting feature where it automatically targets in dungeons? If there is one I'm not sure how to get it working all it does is have him sit there until something is targeted.
This CC seriously needs to check it's surroundings before using Blink... Questing with this thing in a highly populated area = not happening.
Is there a reason why it decides to stop attacking because it has low hp/mana? Whenever mana/hp is low it wants to drink/eat eventhough its in combat and simply ignores the fact hes being attacked. Which of course ends up in death. Anyone got a solution for this?
just with 1.8.4 fire rotation it doesnt seem to keep up living bomb (went almost 30 seconds without applyin it)did a fresh instal etc and still the same thing it also uses scorch more then fireball which seems to be gimping its dps my mrs is using it on her raiding mage a few times so i dont have a log on this comp i'll run it on my mage in the next few days and get a couple of logs ready for ya to have a look at just been busy over xmas like im sure everyone else has been.
Just a couple of logic issues in the code. If 2 targets are engaged and one is sheeped and another add joins. The CC will break the sheep engage then sheep the new add. This usually results in excessive damage taken or death. None of the evasive actions after Frost Nova is cast seem to work regularly. I don't use Blink as there is no check for mobs that could aggro. I can post logs if needed but these are observed after running for hours and randomly checking the bot.
any good lazyraider CC for Arcane or Fire Mages to use at DS? Tryed all CCs available but all of them just got 10-11k dps with my lvl384 toon.
The only issue I've noticed so far is that Brain Freeze uses Fireball this might have to do with the fact you get Frostfire Ball so late, but once you do get FFB it's worth switching over to. As well I noticed it loves to blink into other mobs, and as stated above will sometimes stand there doing nothing when it's below 20%. And I'm an idiot it's inside the settings about FrostFire Ball.
awesome cc- but i was curious could you add the option to cast iceblock after the cauterize fire mage debuff?
My mage is having trouble in combat. It'll walk up to melee range of an enemy, and just stand there and let my pet try to kill it. I'm pretty new to HB, so I don't really know how to decipher the log... Nevermind, got it all fixed! Tried Amplify on a level 1 mage and it worked fine, so all I did was delete all the saved settings on my 25 mage.