This is the BEST Mage CC i ever used!! My Mage wins very often 1vs2 fights in 85 PvP (Blue/Epic equip) Frost mage. Thx!
What am I doing wrong? My mage just use 1 frostbolt then he just stands there... and if he gets outofcombat he gets on his mount and run to a player, then1 frostbolt... whats up with that In pvp...
Thinking of leveling a mage. I wanted to use this with the new Bot base that Apoc released but wanted to know if this would work with it and is there a raid rotation in this? Or is this mainly leveling/pvp?
Hi CodenameG, I just installed this CC today. Testing it out on my low lvl frost mage. I wanted to say great job on this CC! I found one issue today that I have a log for. It seems intermittent, it doesn't occur with every mob/pull. When I pull with Frost Bolt my character may move/walk forward before finishing the cast anywhere from 2-5 times, usually up until the point where it gets close enough to actually aggro the mob, then the rest of the rotation finishes. It usually gets close to 75% done with the casts, then moves and interrupts. This only happens on the opener pull casts, not once it's spamming during rotation. View attachment fb_spam_log.txt EDIT --- Here is the full log. View attachment 2-27-2012_12_56 PM 3184 Log.txt Thanks again for this great CC, I'll be using this all the way to lvl 85!!! Cheers
If i may ask, i am using this for leveling my mage, and for some reason the use elemental option is not working tho its checked.
Hello Codename, Found a few bugs in the lower level support in version 1.8.7 Honorbuddy Mode: Questing mode Plugins: Refreshment Detection and a few private plugins (no influence on mage behaviour). Profile used: Natfoth's Worgen Questing (SVN checkout) Errors: Trying to cast spells it doesn't know (due to level), not casting spells it should, not using all of it's abilities. Description of errors: First of all it tries to cast Polymorph while it doesn't know the spell yet (He's level 11) Timeframes: 19:26:56:230, 19:29:28:854, 19:29:35:493, 19:31:43:984, 19:31:52:220 etc etc (Search for Polymorph in the logs) Second is that it's backpeddling without doing anything else to get away from a add. I think it should be casting a freeze (water elemental) or frost nova before it backpeddles (which it knows but doesn't do). Search the logs for "I dont know blink yet! BackPeddling!", there are several occurences. Because it does this it dies, since it doesn't do much else than backpeddle while it gets smacked to death. This usually follows on the Polymorph part (which fails due to level). Third part is already mentioned by a few people. Even though the use of water elemental is enabled in config (You named it a frost elemental in your config btw, typo?), it doesn't use this ability. I had to manually cast the elemental a few times and eventually it started to sometimes resummon another one. I've attached the whole logfile of that period where I was watching it perform these things. Hopefully it will help you determin the problems. Kind regards, LiquidAtoR.
Hey guys, was just wondering what the best spec is to level up using Almplify. Im currently on fire and isn't doing too bad. Would Frost or Arcane be better? Thanks.
How to use Arcane Barrage and Fire Blast oc CD? Bot want use them at all. It spaming Frostbolt even if target in meele range. Arcane Missiles and Frost Nova work perfect. Ty.
hey! nice work this cc! but somehow the bot doesn't fly :/ with the singular cc it flies but sadly not with yours.. dunno if i made a mistake somewhere.. but if not would you like to fix it pls