Its a fine CC but two errors so far: 1. it sometimes (might be always) just stand still and do nothing if a extra mob aggroes. 2. It seems to deep freeze when the mob is at low health. I saw some fix about frostnova not doing this anymore, the same should apply to deep freeeze. A small bug is that it seems to do the initial attack ( frostball) and then wait until my pet have damaged it within health procentage of a fire blast finisher. I couldn't really see any pattern in when this occurred. Also using icelance as a finisher if FOF is up would be a idea.
you shouldn't be messing with it. next time ill name it something more scary so people do mess with things.
if i didn't mess /w it i'd have deleted it... really its slow w/o the turbo mode.. btw why isn't it always activated? whats "wrong" with it?
Seems to not attack many times. It aggro's a mob or pulls with a frostbolt then sits there. Frost elemental has saved my mage many times. I've leveled many mages with your CC since day 1 of amplify and have had great success with it. Thanks for the CC. View attachment 5-12-2012_9_18 PM 3760 Log.txt View attachment 5-12-2012_6_30 PM 6636 Log.txt View attachment 5-12-2012_8_26 PM 5916 Log.txt EDIT: Reverted back to 1.7.1 and everything seems fine now.
Whats is the Turbomode'? I can understand this fuction And i have mark counterspell but my mage never use, i farming volatil water and never silence enemys
My mage is geskillt on fire, glowing armor instead of replacing them always through the magic R?sstung. What settings do I, so this does not happen. Excuse my English is not perfect. I would think it is good if the answer would be in German. Thank you.
It changed how fast the core of Honorbuddy moves through the code. This can be dangerous on slower systems since it will require twice as much processing. Without turbo it moves at 15 ticks/second, in turbo it moves at 30/second. If you are just running a single window of WoW and Honorbuddy you should be fine using turbo. post in german, and we'll point one of the german moderators in to translate it better for you ( posten auf Deutsch, und wir werden einen der Moderatoren in Deutsch zeigen, um es besser ?bersetzen f?r Sie ) google translated
Hallo jedesmal wenn ich die Gl?hende R?stung aktiviere, wird auf Magische R?stung umgeschaltet. Was muss ich wo einstellen, damit nur die Gl?hende R?stung aktiviert bleibt. Au?erdem ist mir beim Lfr aufgefallen, dass ich meinen Char nicht frei bewegen kann, sondern nur durch springen vorw?rts bewegen kann.
Das ist CC bedingt. Du kannst unter dem Klassenkomfigurationsbutton verschiedenen Dinge einstellen, die die CC tun soll. Des weiteren solltest du dich frei bewegen k?nnen wenn du als Botbase LazyRaider nutzt und die CC daf?r geeignet ist. Ansonsten gilt auch hier, eventuell einfach das Movement in den Einstellungen der CC ausstellen. Sollte das nicht funktionieren, poste bitte einen Log.
It does use it. Make sure you turned it on in the last page, where you can modify all of the settings through their drop-downs. And it also has to do with the way it's coded. If HB doesn't show that the spell that is being cast can be counterspell'ed then it won't try to waste its time.
You put your mana gem in the bank lol go get it out you goober Edit: Also what are some of your guys' settings for frost mages in pvp? Like pull spell etc.
I'm trying this on two fresh mages. I leveled another one from 80-85. This is an epic CC. The only thing I find is a little odd, is when the mage casts it sometimes doesn't face the target and casts sideways. Other than that I'm really happy CNG released this thanks.
Im having the same problem also but would like to be able to not have to revert back to an older version to solve the issue.