Ok dude, lets do this. We have installed: 0) Win7 Ultimate x64 a) NDP461-KB3102438 (.Net 4.6.1a - ver.4.6.1055.0) lastest for right now b) VC_redistx86\x64 (Visual C++ Redist. for Visual Studio 2013) frm https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784 lastest for right now c) HBrelog 1.1.4 frm highvoltz \ 1.2.1 frm Alisha d) WoW apdated to last ver., who manualy working fine, if we are running update or check n repair from bnet launcher is nothing happend coz all fine with game client, he is a complete and working, running on Dx9 x86 e) HonorBuddy ver. it doesn't matter, because to him it does not reach f) From this page nothing found on pc As a result: HBrelog is working fine for me last 3 months and generally doesn't work after update from 24 march, hbrelog just rapidly opens and closes the wow executable all time. Eng is not my native lang.
Thanks Division! This is how the support report should look like! So the devs could have ground for debug.
20:00:59] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Failed to load the file or assembly 'Fasm.NET.dll' or one of its dependencies. Cannot find the specified module. File name: Fasm.NET.dll" 在 GreyMagic.ExternalProcessReader..ctor(Process proc) 在 HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.WowLockToken.StartWoW() 在 HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.States.StartWowState.Run() 在 HighVoltz.HBRelog.FiniteStateMachine.FiniteStateMa chine.Engine.Pulse() 在 HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.WowManager.Pulse() 在 HighVoltz.HBRelog.TaskManager.Pulse() 在 HighVoltz.HBRelog.HbRelogManager.DoWork() before patch it worked fine. reinstall of .net framework 4.6.1 and visual studo didn't help:c get same error at the all virtual machines
in LoginWoWState.cs change strings (not tested with orig version, but should be ok) PHP: var frame = UIObject.GetUIObjectByName<Frame>(_wowManager, "AccountLogin.UI.TokenEntryDialog"); if (frame == null || !frame.IsVisible || !frame.IsShown) return false; var editBox = UIObject.GetUIObjectByName<EditBox>(_wowManager, "AccountLogin.UI.TokenEntryDialog.Background.EditBox"); AccountSelection still broken, but meanwhile it handles thru Config.Wtf its fine
Why do I keep getting this error in the log section? I'm not running it in C: drive even. (I'm the only (admin) user on this pc). And yep, I'm running hbrelog in admin mode. Tried putting it on desktop and saving, but still same error.
So anyone found a fix for this yet? Whenever I try to start it all i does is start wow - close wow - start wow... over and over
For those of you having issues I did a fresh install with Windows 7 Ultimate on a regular hard drive and a VM. With only the required HB files https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/5/9/35980F81-60F4-4DE3-88FC-8F962B97253B/NDP461-KB3102438-Web.exe & https://download.microsoft.com/download/C/E/5/CE514EAE-78A8-4381-86E8-29108D78DBD4/VC_redist.x86.exe They both boot up fine. No antivirus. FYI if WoW is starting up and shutting down make sure you put a Wait in the Tasks of HBRelog and give it a run time. Also if you guys are having issues with the error with WoW not starting try redownloading Highvoltz verion of HBRelog. I know there's another version out there by Aash. This is not Aash's thread. Report errors in their thread if you're using it.
Czullo, Did you redownload HBRelog 1.1.4 and make a new folder rather than copying over files? Is it the original HBRelog and not Aash's HBRelog? Is it pointing to the correct WoW.exe file. Usually it's C:\Program Files(x86)\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe Are you using Windows 10,8,or 7?
Redownloaded HBRelog 1.1.4 and make new folder, deleted old settings and creating new, pointing correct wow.exe(as you can see on the log its starring wow.exe and shoting it down immediately, windows 10
Are you running the Windows 10 Insider build? https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/242948-hb-closing-attempting-attach-windows-10-build-14291-a.html
Hello, i want to build it on my own - but after the latest update i get the following error: (compiling is working, this error is in the log of hbrelog): Any thoughts how to fix that problem? Thank you
HBRelog will stop relogging when it gets an error message on WoW. This is a WoW issue. Also I did install Windows 10 and got the Fasm.NET.dll error and not logging on. I installed Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 files vcredist_x64.exe & vcredist_x86.exe and I don't get the Fasm.NET.dll error anymore and it does log in. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784