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  • Aproximatly how safe is it to just bot to level up a character?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by zanderos, Feb 5, 2014.

    1. evilshade

      evilshade New Member

      Jan 10, 2014
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      I have to agree with you 100% Go big or go home
    2. xl3iatchxx

      xl3iatchxx New Member

      Nov 23, 2012
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      Do you have any idea where i could find the kicks profile pack ? cant find it here anymore...
    3. wt123

      wt123 New Member

      Mar 13, 2012
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    4. gippy

      gippy Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      If you babysit your bot, why even bot at all? Maybe watch it for a little while the first time you ever bot, or if you're trying out a new profile/routine but apart from that you have to have a bit confidence in your set up and the bot. Imo by babysitting you're paying to watch yourself get banned, when it reality you should be out doing other things and coming back to reap the rewards.

      In all the years i've used this bot, ive botted 20+ max level characters on various realms with questing, grinded conqueror which was ab and wsg none stop for months, all the wins and most achievements for battlemaster, every grindable rep ingame, every archeology item and achievement and every grindable achieve including the insane/new 9999 dino bone achieve, hero of shattrah and stuff like baron mount strat. None have this has been through babysitting, just confidence in the profile and routine, maybe you'll have to test a few or mess with it a little yourself but its safe as houses once you have it the way you want it, all the things ive listed, i never did a few hours of grinding then breaks either, i'd do it for silly hours like 18 to 20 and was never banned.

      I've been perma banned once in all this time and that was because i got lazy and used pqr with vitalics for my rogue for arena, kind of stupid but well you live and learn, if i had of stuck with solely hb i wouldnt be banned but im currently using kicks to level a character atm on the same bnet so i still have all my achieves and mounts.
    5. next447

      next447 New Member

      Mar 17, 2014
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      I think it's just a matter of time with that level. I botted similarly to you but on a lesser and much more watched scale, and I got banned. Never did any dumb stuff as I monitored things.
    6. chickenl

      chickenl New Member

      Jan 2, 2011
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      Okay my experiances
      I have botted stay classy achievement for my guild.
      Moderation is key i bot no more than 8 hours a day and change the methods ie questing gathering instances.
      I change what toon i play randomly
      I never PVP
      I have botted for close to 2 years now and never been banned (yet)

      But despite all this there is one key thing i remember... MY accountS are expendable I will loose it one day.
    7. Dreadlord

      Dreadlord New Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      Botting while you're sleeping should only use 3 options, Grinding, Gathering or Archeology. Nothing else because there is a high chance of the bot glitching and being reported.
    8. bigredhead

      bigredhead New Member

      Jan 4, 2013
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      If you just want to test the bot out just go and RAF a new account. Doesn't even have to have MoP. You can just play around with the bot. If you don't want it to be on the same b.net account then make a new one. Same name or different name doesn't really matter. (If you do the same name you can transfer toons to the main account, I've done it once or twice) Play around with it. If you want to get the alternative account MoP go for it. You can level to 90 on it. Do several toons and then the worse thing if you don't get banned you can Grant your main account toons some levels and get a few level 85 toons. You can go hardcore botting or just do it 2 hours a day. It's all up to you. There's a risk of anything in WoW. You cuss out some little kid and he cries and reports you then you've risked your account having some sort of restriction, a warning, a so many hour ban etc etc. You use a name that someone find inappropriate and yet again you've some how ended up on Blizz's radar to switching your name and if you do it again a so many hour ban etc etc. Just mess around with it and don't get your panties in a wad if something bad happens. Not a big deal if it does.

      This is really mainly if you are worried the main account being banned will ruin your life. If you can live with the account being banned then don't bother raffing and do it on the main account.

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