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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by dresdon, Nov 11, 2012.

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    1. Extreme_kid

      Extreme_kid New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Really ?! Nobody is forcing you to use the Bot you know ?!
      And just because you're a paying customer doesn't necessarily mean you are entitled to an absolutely bug free program.
      And do you honestly believe there are any other Botting companies out there doing any better than Honorbuddy !?
      if not , then keep quiet and wait for them to fix this thing like they always have.
      and I don't think its a problem with the bot itself , should be something with the servers as the website itself is loading pretty slowly for me today.

      Here , hold this potato.
    2. Pedro105

      Pedro105 New Member

      Oct 14, 2011
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      Stop spaming the forums with this shit already, they areadly know its working slow but its working for me so guys chill go eat something and come back I did it ok? Give them a break, without them there would be no bot
    3. dresdon

      dresdon New Member

      Mar 5, 2012
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      Are you normal? If you are happy to pay for things that dont work I have a fuck load of shit round my house going cheap. Jesus some people need to wake up and smell the roses. You do realize these people are not your friends dont you it seems you have some kind of weird love thing going on with the developers.

      The irony if the person spamming the forums telling people with a genuine question not to spam the forums. mate fuck off if you dont want to read the thread dont click the title you cockhead.
    4. Swizzie

      Swizzie New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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    5. dresdon

      dresdon New Member

      Mar 5, 2012
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      Is every one of your 561 posts telling people to go post elsewhere? this is twice in this one you have done it. I mean what is your problem exactly when you consider there is no reason for you to be reading this one if you feel that strongly yet you come twice and post the same thing.
    6. Swizzie

      Swizzie New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      My posting was laggy at the time, as there were 1000's crowding the forums at one time. I had multiple windows and tabs open. I perhaps refreshed and double posted.
      My appologies for having you read my post twice.
    7. Extreme_kid

      Extreme_kid New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Here let me spell this shit out for you, you fcking moron!
      These people are businessmen and no in no way I consider any businessman my friend, but heres the thing. Have you ever been in a situation or maybe had a boss that was giving you shit and you hated his guts but you had to Sit there and take all his shits just because he is your boss and you simply can't do anything about it ?! WELL GUESS WHAT IDIOT! here is a similar situation that whether you moan like a little bitch or not , It won't get this shit fixed any sooner than whenever it is scheduled to be fixed.
      And it is not like there are tons of other botting companies out there, There is one & only at the moment and it is this one. Whether good or bad it has made the gaming experience a whole lot easier for ALL of us and we Are DEPENDING on this shit!
      DO YOU Fcking understand ?!

      A Kid whose parents are providing his pocket money Can't Talk shit back to them , cause guess what ?!! They can cut that shit Anytime! And like you said it yourself in case of these guys , according to you , they have made tons of money , so they simply can and might eventually stop putting up with your shit.

      So how about you shut the fuck up and wait for this to get fixed instead of acting like a little brat who thinks just because you have paid a ONE TIME FEE you are entitled to an absolutely perfect program. No You are not entitled to SHIT! same way that little kid isn't entitled to any of the shit his parents have bought him.
      Let me get this straight ?! Do you also think just because you have been paying a month subscription fee to blizzard over the course of past few years you are entitled to any of that shit ?! Well GUESS WHAT! YOU don't!

      So Mate how about you FUCK OFF instead & show some respect to your parents here, Nobody is forcing you to use this program you cockhead!

    8. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
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      Wow, ever hear of Valium?
      Last edited: Nov 11, 2012
    9. rmaahx111

      rmaahx111 New Member

      Mar 23, 2012
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      FU pay me, you are entitled to nothing is a great business model.
    10. terrorforprez

      terrorforprez New Member

      Mar 20, 2011
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      This is probably the worst comparison ive heard in my life. These people are not our bosses, you take shit from bosses because they give you the paycheck, we give them the paycheck, i dont care about the issues their having because i know they are working on trying to fix it and i am understanding, but i just want to tell you that you sound like a 40 year old virgin that has no education. You are the reason why society is terrible. Thanks!
    11. Extreme_kid

      Extreme_kid New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      And this is EXACTLY Blizzard Ent.'s Business model and it seems to be working perfectly fine so far ? Don't you think ?

      Here the thing, I am just as frustrated as everyone else here but just because this bot isn't working for a few hours it does not mean I have to swarm the forums talking shit about the program that up until JUST few hours ago was working fine for me , and making me RICH in this game!
      You know why ?! Cause these problems have been happening quite often recently, and everytime the bot's gone offline , it has come back up in a few hours or maybe the next day. what does it tell you ?
      To me it is Enough evidence that there are people behind the scene that care enough about their customers and are working on it and I'm pretty sure they are doing the same right now as we speak.

      Say the bot goes off line for a few hours again , So what ?! it comes back on again better than what it was when it went down! Im actually glad they are fixing as many bugs as they can while we are still in the beginning of this expansion, it means we would probably have a smoother botting experience later on.

      I like honorbuddy and I have recommended it to atleast 10~12 of my guild mates & close friends and Im happy that I have because it has made us all be better as a whole in this game.
    12. segafreakone

      segafreakone Member

      May 1, 2010
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      Already working for me! xD
    13. Extreme_kid

      Extreme_kid New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      lol You must be living in a small world then. It is not always about the paycheck, it is about what you are getting back in return.
      I believe this paycheck you are babbling about tends to make your life experience better right ?I mean who doesn't like a paycheck!
      Well, I like to think that this program does Exactly the same as what a paycheck does for you in real life. It makes my Gaming experience smoother & better so in one way it is also like a paycheck to me and many others out there if it makes any sense. Oh and not to forget just, way before this Program I used to spend Real $ Buying Gold online from Chinese sellers , but now I am at a point where I SELL the Gold for CASH, I CONTROL the Market in my realm along with my other friends, and I have many other things from rare mounts , to pets , & other vanities that other random players constantly dream about.

      So in one way , Yes this is actually like a paycheck to me if not more.
    14. Rewards

      Rewards Member

      Jan 5, 2012
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      working on me!
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