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  • [Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

    Discussion in 'Farming' started by EchoTiger, Feb 26, 2013.

    1. shamash

      shamash New Member

      May 9, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      That actually sounds like a very possible situation. It has happened 2 times now, I've been running these for maybe a week and a half.

      I was able to open the log. Only pasting the end because the forum can't handle too much:

      [18:46:44.727 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Deathwhisper Necrolyte
      [18:46:44.731 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Deathwhisper Necrolyte.A0F8!
      [18:46:44.920 N] [Singular] *Unleash Elements on Deathwhisper Necrolyte.A0F8 @ 100.0% at 13.9 yds 
      [18:46:46.113 N] [Singular] *Searing Totem on Me @ 97.8%
      [18:46:47.103 N] [Singular] *Grounding Totem on Deathwhisper Necrolyte.A0F8 @ 61.8% at 1.3 yds 
      [18:46:48.114 N] [Singular] *Flame Shock on Deathwhisper Necrolyte.A0F8 @ 46.0% at 1.3 yds
      [18:46:49.594 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Wind Shear#57994 failure: 'Your target is dead'
      [18:46:49.361 N] [Singular] *Wind Shear on Deathwhisper Necrolyte.A0F8 @ 13.5% at 1.3 yds 
      [18:46:50.035 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Lava Lash#60103 failure: 'Your target is dead'
      [18:46:49.806 N] [Singular] *Lava Lash on Deathwhisper Necrolyte.A0F8 @ 10.4% at 1.1 yds
      [18:46:49.917 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
      [18:46:50.051 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Skeletal Slave
      [18:46:50.119 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Skeletal Slave
      [18:46:50.481 D] Interacting with Skeletal Slave
      [18:46:51.484 N] Looting Skeletal Slave Guid:0xF13090110000A0FE
      [18:46:51.484 V] Blacklisting F13090110000A0FE for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
      [18:46:51.484 V] Blacklisting F1308FB40000A0F8 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
      [18:46:51.484 V] Blacklisting F13090110000A0FD for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
      [18:46:51.485 D] ItemId: 0, IsCurrency: 0, IsCoinage: 1, Byte6: 0, Byte7: 0, TextureId: 0, Quantity: 4759, Int10: 0, Int14: 0, Status: 3
      [18:46:51.486 D] ItemId: 43852, IsCurrency: 0, IsCoinage: 0, Byte6: 0, Byte7: 0, TextureId: 50746, Quantity: 2, Int10: 1796140288, Int14: 0, Status: 4
      [18:46:51.486 D] ItemId: 33428, IsCurrency: 0, IsCoinage: 0, Byte6: 0, Byte7: 0, TextureId: 46663, Quantity: 1, Int10: 1796140288, Int14: 0, Status: 4
      [18:46:52.691 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
      [18:46:52.743 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Deathwhisper Necrolyte
      [18:46:52.802 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Deathwhisper Necrolyte
      [18:46:52.866 N] [Singular] *Ghost Wolf on Me @ 98.8% 
      [18:46:54.114 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Deathwhisper Necrolyte
      [18:46:54.871 N] [Singular] Recalling totems!
      [18:46:56.244 D] Interacting with Deathwhisper Necrolyte
      [18:46:57.121 N] Looting Deathwhisper Necrolyte Guid:0xF1308FB40000A106
      [18:46:57.121 V] Blacklisting F1308FB40000A106 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
      [18:46:57.121 V] Blacklisting F13090110000A109 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
      [18:46:57.121 V] Blacklisting F13090110000A107 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
      [18:46:57.122 D] ItemId: 0, IsCurrency: 0, IsCoinage: 1, Byte6: 0, Byte7: 0, TextureId: 0, Quantity: 7400, Int10: 0, Int14: 0, Status: 3
      [18:46:57.123 D] ItemId: 43852, IsCurrency: 0, IsCoinage: 0, Byte6: 0, Byte7: 0, TextureId: 50746, Quantity: 1, Int10: 1974704384, Int14: 0, Status: 4
      [18:46:57.124 D] ItemId: 36154, IsCurrency: 0, IsCoinage: 0, Byte6: 0, Byte7: 0, TextureId: 49981, Quantity: 1, Int10: 8650806, Int14: -38, Status: 4
      [18:46:58.300 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
      [18:46:58.368 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:46:58.368 D] Removed hook [Questbot_Main] 9a73f5d4-e2b0-4145-bc4b-1ae6e6b6e8dd
      [18:46:58.368 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:46:58.368 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:46:58.368 D] Goal: WaitTimer-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 583]
      [18:46:58.369 D] Goal: WaitTimer-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
      Waiting for 0s
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 583]
      [18:46:58.679 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 0s of 0s.
      [18:46:59.436 D] [WaitTimer-v1581(debug)] WaitTimer behavior complete.  
      [18:46:59.498 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:46:59.523 D] [WaitTimer-v1581(debug)] Behavior completed in 1s
      [18:46:59.524 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:46:59.524 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:46:59.524 D] Goal: RunLua-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 584]
      [18:46:59.524 D] Activity: RunLua: if not IsMounted() then local m,t,f="mount",{{},{}} for i=2,GetNumCompanions(m) do tinsert(t[bit.band(2,select(6,GetCompanionInfo(m,i)))==0 and 1 or 2],i) end f=IsFlyableArea() and 2 or 1 CallCompanion(m,t[f][random(#t[f])]) else Dismount() end 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
      [18:46:59.628 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:46:59.628 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:46:59.628 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:46:59.628 D] Goal: WaitTimer-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 585]
      [18:46:59.629 D] Goal: WaitTimer-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
      Waiting for 1s
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 585]
      [18:46:59.933 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 1s of 1s.
      [18:47:01.239 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 0s of 1s.
      [18:47:01.305 D] [WaitTimer-v1581(debug)] WaitTimer behavior complete.  
      [18:47:01.491 D] (Singular) (Singular) info: BehaviorFlags changed to [All] by Questing, Plug-in or Profile
      [18:47:01.372 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:01.399 D] [WaitTimer-v1581(debug)] Behavior completed in 1s
      [18:47:01.399 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:01.399 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedSingleton].
      [18:47:01.399 D] Behavior flags changed! Death, Combat, Loot, Vendor, Roam, Rest -> All
      [18:47:01.399 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior [ForcedSingleton].
      [18:47:01.403 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:01.403 D] Goal: UserSettings-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 589]
      [18:47:01.403 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] Applied changes...
          PullDistance = 100 (previous: 25;  original: 100)
      Difference from user's original settings...
          LogoutForInactivity = False (originally: True)
      [18:47:01.403 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] UserSettings behavior complete.  
      [18:47:01.403 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:01.403 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] Behavior completed in 0s
      [18:47:01.403 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:01.403 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
      [18:47:01.403 D] Goal: Moving to <431.2955, 212.869, 528.7089>
      [18:47:01.407 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
      [18:47:01.407 D] Loading QuarryofTears_31_31
      [18:47:01.472 D] Successfully generated path from {569.524, 143.6657, 513.377} to {431.2955, 212.869, 528.7089} in 60 milliseconds
      [18:47:01.491 N] [Singular] info: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User 
      [18:47:07.253 D] Garbage collected 1 nav tiles
      [18:47:12.756 D] (Singular) (Singular) info: BehaviorFlags changed to [Death, Combat, Loot, Vendor, Roam, Rest] by Questing, Plug-in or Profile
      [18:47:12.696 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
      [18:47:12.700 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:12.700 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:12.700 D] Goal: UserSettings-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 593]
      [18:47:12.700 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] Applied changes...
          PullDistance = 25 (previous: 100;  original: 100)
      Difference from user's original settings...
          LogoutForInactivity = False (originally: True)
          PullDistance = 25 (originally: 100)
      [18:47:12.700 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] UserSettings behavior complete.  
      [18:47:12.700 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:12.700 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] Behavior completed in 0s
      [18:47:12.700 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:12.700 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedSingleton].
      [18:47:12.700 D] Behavior flags changed! All -> Death, Combat, Loot, Vendor, Roam, Rest
      [18:47:12.700 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior [ForcedSingleton].
      [18:47:12.700 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:12.700 D] Goal: RunLua-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 596]
      [18:47:12.700 D] Activity: RunLua: print("|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Instance completed, in-game timer paused.") 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
      [18:47:12.756 N] [Singular] info: Pull Distance set to 25 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User
      [18:47:12.832 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:12.832 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:12.832 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:12.832 D] Goal: RunMacro-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
      Running macro 1 times
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 597]
      [18:47:12.832 D] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
      [18:47:14.337 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:14.337 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:14.337 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:14.337 D] Goal: RunLua-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 599]
      [18:47:14.337 D] Activity: RunLua: endingmoney = GetMoney(); 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
      [18:47:14.416 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:14.416 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:14.416 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:14.416 D] Goal: RunLua-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 600]
      [18:47:14.416 D] Activity: RunLua: progressmoney = math.floor(endingmoney-startingmoney); 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
      [18:47:14.537 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:14.537 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:14.537 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:14.537 D] Goal: RunLua-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 601]
      [18:47:14.537 D] Activity: RunLua: totalmoney = math.floor(endingmoney-beginningmoney); 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
      [18:47:14.667 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:14.667 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:14.667 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:14.667 D] Goal: RunLua-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 602]
      [18:47:14.667 D] Activity: RunLua: print("|cFFF0F0F0Statistics so far|r:\nYou've picked up ", GetCoinTextureString(progressmoney), " from this run.\n", "So far, you've made ", GetCoinTextureString(totalmoney), " total.") 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
      [18:47:14.788 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:14.789 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:14.789 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:14.789 D] Goal: RunLua-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 603]
      [18:47:14.789 D] Activity: RunLua: endingmoney = GetMoney(); 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
      [18:47:14.912 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:14.912 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:14.912 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:14.912 D] Goal: RunLua-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 604]
      [18:47:14.912 D] Activity: RunLua: ecurrdungeon = GetTime(); 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
      [18:47:15.044 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:15.044 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:15.044 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:15.044 D] Goal: RunLua-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 605]
      [18:47:15.044 D] Activity: RunLua: lastdungeon = math.floor(ecurrdungeon-scurrdungeon) 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
      [18:47:15.167 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:15.167 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:15.167 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:15.167 D] Goal: WaitTimer-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 607]
      [18:47:15.168 D] Goal: WaitTimer-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
      Waiting for 0s
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 607]
      [18:47:15.426 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 0s of 0s.
      [18:47:16.238 D] [WaitTimer-v1581(debug)] WaitTimer behavior complete.  
      [18:47:16.289 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:16.314 D] [WaitTimer-v1581(debug)] Behavior completed in 1s
      [18:47:16.314 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:16.314 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:16.314 D] Goal: RunMacro-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
      Running macro 1 times
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 608]
      [18:47:16.314 D] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
      [18:47:17.822 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:17.822 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:17.822 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:17.822 D] Goal: WaitTimer-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 609]
      [18:47:17.823 D] Goal: WaitTimer-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
      Waiting for 2s
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 609]
      [18:47:18.085 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 1s of 2s.
      [18:47:18.828 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 0s of 2s.
      [18:47:19.967 D] [WaitTimer-v1581(debug)] WaitTimer behavior complete.  
      [18:47:20.020 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:20.036 D] [WaitTimer-v1581(debug)] Behavior completed in 2s
      [18:47:20.036 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:20.036 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
      [18:47:20.205 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:20.206 D] Goal: InteractWith-v1538: In Progress (no associated quest)
      Interacting with Gnimo
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 612]
      [18:47:20.207 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Only @0] 3961228c-14c7-4d65-af78-0fcab739d4ed
      [18:47:20.207 D] Inserted new hook [Death_Main @0] c44815a7-ce61-4ead-8ffa-4d38dd8f800d
      [18:47:20.215 D] [InteractWith-v1538(debug)] Interacting with 'Gnimo'
      [18:47:20.215 D] Interacting with Gnimo
      [18:47:20.919 D] [InteractWith-v1538(debug)] Interact with 'Gnimo' succeeded.
      [18:47:20.920 V] Blacklisting F1307F7F0000A5D9 for 00:00:30 [Type: Interact] - Reason: No reason specified. Caller:    at Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.Extensions_WoWObject.BlacklistForInteracting(WoWObject wowObject, TimeSpan duration) in c:\Users\Jordan\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\Extensions\Extensions_WoWObject.cs:line 51
      [18:47:20.990 D] [InteractWith-v1538(debug)] InteractWith behavior complete.  Reached our required count of 1.
      [18:47:21.052 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:21.052 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] 3961228c-14c7-4d65-af78-0fcab739d4ed
      [18:47:21.052 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] c44815a7-ce61-4ead-8ffa-4d38dd8f800d
      [18:47:21.078 D] [InteractWith-v1538(debug)] Behavior completed in 0s
      [18:47:21.114 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
      [18:47:21.114 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:21.114 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:21.114 D] Goal: RunLua-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 620]
      [18:47:21.114 D] Activity: RunLua:         MerchantRepairAllButton:Click()         for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b)          do local n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s)           if (n and strfind(n, "ff9d9d9d") or n and strfind(n, "ffffffff") or n and strfind(n, "ff1eff00") or n and strfind(n, "ff0070dd")) then            print("|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Selling "..n)UseContainerItem(b,s)           end          end         end 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
      [18:47:31.030 N] [Singular] Imbuing main hand [ #33428] weapon with Windfury 
      [18:47:31.089 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g55s96c]
      [18:47:31.154 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:31.218 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
      [18:47:31.219 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:47:31.219 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:47:31.405 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Windfury Weapon#8232 failure: 'You must be standing to do that'
      [18:47:31.273 N] [InstanceTimer-vUnknown(info)] Your instance run took 05m:15s
      [18:47:31.273 N] [InstanceTimer-vUnknown(info)] Waiting for 55s
      [18:47:31.274 D] Goal: Waiting for 54s  of  55s
      [18:47:31.274 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 54s... of 55s
      [18:47:31.803 N] [Singular] Imbuing main hand [ #33428] weapon with Windfury
      [18:47:33.062 N] [Singular] Imbuing main hand [ #33428] weapon with Windfury 
      [18:47:33.122 D] Goal: Waiting for 53s  of  55s
      [18:47:33.122 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 53s... of 55s
      [18:47:33.718 N] Not in game
      [18:47:36.970 D] (Singular)    MapId            = 870
      [18:47:36.970 D] (Singular)    ZoneId           = 4813
      [18:47:36.970 V] (Singular) 
      [18:47:36.970 D] (Singular) Talents Selected: 6
      [18:47:36.970 D] (Singular) --- #3 - Astral Shift
      [18:47:36.970 D] (Singular) --- #6 - Windwalk Totem
      [18:47:36.970 D] (Singular) --- #7 - Call Of The Elements
      [18:47:36.971 D] (Singular) --- #12 - Echo Of The Elements
      [18:47:36.971 D] (Singular) --- #14 - Ancestral Guidance
      [18:47:36.971 D] (Singular) --- #17 - Primal Elementalist
      [18:47:36.971 V] (Singular)  
      [18:47:36.971 D] (Singular) Glyphs Equipped: 5
      [18:47:36.971 D] (Singular) --- Astral Recall
      [18:47:36.971 D] (Singular) --- Chain Lightning
      [18:47:36.971 D] (Singular) --- Feral Spirit
      [18:47:36.971 D] (Singular) --- Fire Elemental Totem
      [18:47:36.971 D] (Singular) --- the Spectral Wolf
      [18:47:36.971 V] (Singular) 
      [18:47:36.972 D] (Singular) Trinket1: Jade Bandit Figurine #86043
      [18:47:36.972 D] (Singular) Trinket2: Sigil of Rampage #105082
      [18:47:36.972 V] (Singular)  
      [18:47:36.972 V] (Singular) My Current Dynamic Info
      [18:47:36.972 V] (Singular) =======================
      [18:47:36.972 D] (Singular) Combat Reach:    1.5000
      [18:47:36.972 D] (Singular) Bounding Height: 2.4644
      [18:47:36.972 V] (Singular)  
      [18:47:36.970 N] [Singular] Your Level 90 Draenei Enhancement Shaman Build is
      [18:47:36.970 N] [Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Pit of Saron  
      [18:47:36.970 N] [Singular] ... Zone: Pandaria using my SOLO Behaviors
      [18:47:37.894 D] Downloaded tilemap AllianceBeachDailyArea
      [18:47:39.690 D] Downloaded tilemap HordeBeachDailyArea
      [18:47:41.155 D] Downloaded tilemap JadeForestBattlefieldPhase
      [18:47:44.736 D] Downloaded tilemap HawaiiMainLand
      [18:47:45.333 D] Changed map(s) to AllianceBeachDailyArea, HordeBeachDailyArea, JadeForestBattlefieldPhase, HawaiiMainLand
      [18:47:45.544 N] [Singular] *Lightning Shield on Me @ 100.0% 
      [18:47:45.610 D] Inserting Blingtron 4000 [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
      [18:47:46.831 D] Goal: Waiting for 39s  of  55s
      [18:47:46.831 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 39s... of 55s
      [18:47:47.328 D] Goal: Waiting for 38s  of  55s
      [18:47:47.328 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 38s... of 55s
      [18:47:48.325 D] Goal: Waiting for 37s  of  55s
      [18:47:48.325 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 37s... of 55s
      [18:47:49.325 D] Goal: Waiting for 36s  of  55s
      [18:47:49.325 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 36s... of 55s
      [18:47:50.327 D] Goal: Waiting for 35s  of  55s
      [18:47:50.327 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 35s... of 55s
      [18:47:51.321 D] Goal: Waiting for 34s  of  55s
      [18:47:51.321 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 34s... of 55s
      [18:47:52.318 D] Goal: Waiting for 33s  of  55s
      [18:47:52.318 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 33s... of 55s
      [18:47:53.321 D] Goal: Waiting for 32s  of  55s
      [18:47:53.321 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 32s... of 55s
      [18:47:54.320 D] Goal: Waiting for 31s  of  55s
      [18:47:54.320 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 31s... of 55s
      [18:47:55.340 D] Goal: Waiting for 30s  of  55s
      [18:47:55.340 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 30s... of 55s
      [18:47:56.324 D] Goal: Waiting for 29s  of  55s
      [18:47:56.324 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 29s... of 55s
      [18:47:57.324 D] Goal: Waiting for 28s  of  55s
      [18:47:57.324 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 28s... of 55s
      [18:47:58.329 D] Goal: Waiting for 27s  of  55s
      [18:47:58.329 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 27s... of 55s
      [18:47:59.333 D] Goal: Waiting for 26s  of  55s
      [18:47:59.333 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 26s... of 55s
      [18:48:00.274 D] Goal: Waiting for 25s  of  55s
      [18:48:00.274 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 25s... of 55s
      [18:48:01.336 D] Goal: Waiting for 24s  of  55s
      [18:48:01.336 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 24s... of 55s
      [18:48:02.333 D] Goal: Waiting for 23s  of  55s
      [18:48:02.333 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 23s... of 55s
      [18:48:03.336 D] Goal: Waiting for 22s  of  55s
      [18:48:03.336 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 22s... of 55s
      [18:48:04.338 D] Goal: Waiting for 21s  of  55s
      [18:48:04.338 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 21s... of 55s
      [18:48:05.279 D] Goal: Waiting for 20s  of  55s
      [18:48:05.279 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 20s... of 55s
      [18:48:06.340 D] Goal: Waiting for 19s  of  55s
      [18:48:06.340 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 19s... of 55s
      [18:48:07.276 D] Goal: Waiting for 18s  of  55s
      [18:48:07.276 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 18s... of 55s
      [18:48:08.284 D] Goal: Waiting for 17s  of  55s
      [18:48:08.284 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 17s... of 55s
      [18:48:09.276 D] Goal: Waiting for 16s  of  55s
      [18:48:09.276 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 16s... of 55s
      [18:48:10.335 D] Goal: Waiting for 15s  of  55s
      [18:48:10.335 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 15s... of 55s
      [18:48:11.278 D] Goal: Waiting for 14s  of  55s
      [18:48:11.278 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 14s... of 55s
      [18:48:12.287 D] Goal: Waiting for 13s  of  55s
      [18:48:12.287 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 13s... of 55s
      [18:48:13.340 D] Goal: Waiting for 12s  of  55s
      [18:48:13.340 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 12s... of 55s
      [18:48:14.278 D] Goal: Waiting for 11s  of  55s
      [18:48:14.278 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 11s... of 55s
      [18:48:15.286 D] Goal: Waiting for 10s  of  55s
      [18:48:15.286 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 10s... of 55s
      [18:48:16.297 D] Goal: Waiting for 09s  of  55s
      [18:48:16.297 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 09s... of 55s
      [18:48:17.280 D] Goal: Waiting for 08s  of  55s
      [18:48:17.280 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 08s... of 55s
      [18:48:18.282 D] Goal: Waiting for 07s  of  55s
      [18:48:18.282 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 07s... of 55s
      [18:48:19.282 D] Goal: Waiting for 06s  of  55s
      [18:48:19.282 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 06s... of 55s
      [18:48:20.288 D] Goal: Waiting for 05s  of  55s
      [18:48:20.288 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 05s... of 55s
      [18:48:21.290 D] Goal: Waiting for 04s  of  55s
      [18:48:21.290 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 04s... of 55s
      [18:48:22.318 D] Goal: Waiting for 03s  of  55s
      [18:48:22.318 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 03s... of 55s
      [18:48:23.289 D] Goal: Waiting for 02s  of  55s
      [18:48:23.289 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 55s
      [18:48:24.288 D] Goal: Waiting for 01s  of  55s
      [18:48:24.288 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 55s
      [18:48:25.284 D] Goal: Waiting for 00s  of  55s
      [18:48:25.284 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 55s
      [18:48:26.366 D] (Singular) (Singular) info: BehaviorFlags changed to [Death, Combat, Vendor, Roam, Rest] by Questing, Plug-in or Profile
      [18:48:26.282 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:48:26.282 D] Goal: Nothing
      [18:48:26.282 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [18:48:26.282 D] Goal: MyCTM-v1581: In Progress (no associated quest)
      CTMoving to <425.3003, 212.2813, 529.9125>
          [Ref: "Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 636]
      [18:48:26.283 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Main @0] 3e00dcfe-6ab0-4c9a-804c-6d72327c215a
      [18:48:26.283 D] Behavior flags changed! Death, Combat, Loot, Vendor, Roam, Rest -> Death, Combat, Vendor, Roam, Rest
      [18:48:26.367 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
      [18:48:26.367 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_31_30
      [18:48:26.428 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_31_31
      [18:48:26.470 D] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Maximum allowed time to reach destination: 94.328 seconds
      [18:48:34.743 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump
      [18:48:37.926 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeLeft
      [18:48:43.994 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeRight
      [18:48:50.250 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeRight, JumpAscend
      [18:48:56.504 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeLeft
      [18:49:02.582 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeLeft, JumpAscend
      [18:49:08.965 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeRight, JumpAscend
      [18:49:15.237 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeLeft
      [18:49:19.254 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeRight, JumpAscend
      [18:49:25.373 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeLeft
      [18:49:31.445 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeLeft, JumpAscend
      [18:49:37.711 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeLeft, JumpAscend
      [18:49:41.771 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeRight
      [18:49:48.024 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeLeft, JumpAscend
      [18:49:54.105 N] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeLeft, JumpAscend
      [18:50:00.860 N] [MyCTM-v1581(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <425.3003, 212.2813, 529.9125> from <738.5533, 269.1176, 503.4218>
      [18:50:00.861 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.
      [18:50:00.906 D] Removed hook [Combat_Main] 3e00dcfe-6ab0-4c9a-804c-6d72327c215a
      [18:50:00.924 D] Behavior flags changed! Death, Combat, Vendor, Roam, Rest -> Death, Combat, Loot, Vendor, Roam, Rest
      [18:50:00.925 D] [MyCTM-v1581(debug)] Behavior completed in 94s
      [18:50:00.925 D] Behavior flags changed! Death, Combat, Loot, Vendor, Roam, Rest -> All
      [18:50:00.936 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
      [18:50:00.939 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] Bot stopping.  Original user settings restored as follows...
          LogoutForInactivity = True (previous: False;  original: True)
          PullDistance = 100 (previous: 25;  original: 100)
      [01:50:35.576 N] [LogMeOut!]: Disposed
    2. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      Here's what I see:
      [18:47:21.114 DGoalRunLua-v1581In Progress (no associated quest)
      Ref"Pit of Saron - Gold Optimized - Trash Farm - Heavy Pulls" @line 620]

      18:47:21.114 DActivityRunLua:         MerchantRepairAllButton:Click()         for b=0,do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b)          do local n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s)           if (and strfind(n"ff9d9d9d") or and strfind(n"ffffffff") or and strfind(n"ff1eff00") or and strfind(n"ff0070dd")) then            print("|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Selling "..n)UseContainerItem(b,s)           end          end         end 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween

      [18:47:31.030 N] [SingularImbuing main hand #33428] weapon with Windfury
      Right after the sell script was activated, your bot enchanted your weapon with Windfury.
      Which most-likely caused you to dismount.
      I checked the profile code, and for whatever reason - there's no wait timer after the sell script, Which there should be.
      This could be causing the issue. I'll go ahead and add one in and send an update out.
    3. shamash

      shamash New Member

      May 9, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      Awesome :D Thank you so much! I tried looking at the log file and had no idea what I was looking at haha. I really appreciate it ;D
    4. Azhemoth

      Azhemoth Active Member

      May 8, 2013
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      perhaps once ASM gets standardized we will see a ASM that lets us pick which dungeons are randomized? [​IMG]
    5. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      An update should be out.


      Yes. There has been plans for it. [​IMG]
    6. cg1203im2

      cg1203im2 Community Developer

      Aug 7, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      Haha... i told you, you will end in 1 Huge 20mb profile :p
    7. Bhikkus

      Bhikkus Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      Heyho Honey. Got one Problem with Grim Batol Medium Pulls(hearthstone).
      He refuse to send my Items to my mail character, which is set under settings & tools.

      i´m also using trade-skillmaster-mailing addon. + modified your profile little bit(false =selling greens) and (mail=greens)
    8. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Lol, eventually.


      Are you Horde or Alliance?

      On a side note: If the Hearthstone is on cooldown and it goes to vendor, the bot will only 'travel' to the mailbox if you're under 20 bagslots after using the vendor.
      Have you reached under 20 bagslots after vendoring in this specific situation?
      The reason why is because the mailboxes are further away from the vendors - and having the bot travel to the mailbox everytime it vendors is a bit 'slow.'
      Last edited: Jul 11, 2014
    9. Bhikkus

      Bhikkus Member

      Oct 18, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      Horde and yes, reached under 20 bagslots after vendoring.
    10. smuht

      smuht New Member

      Mar 6, 2014
      Likes Received:
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      Hello good sir!

      First off, THANK YOU! Your work is much appreciated!

      I'll just post my current progress.

      In Gundrak after a ~8 hour session with Green ilvl 372 gear. With the "lite" profile i get theese numbers.

      I have the Tundra mount, and cloth is the only one i'm keeping. 980~ Cloth in bags atm.

      Last edited: Jul 12, 2014
    11. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Seems that Honorbuddy may be having troubles finding the mailbox that's 20~ yards away from it as usual. xD
      I'll have to hunt down the mailbox codes and manually add them in.


      The attachment link is broken.
    12. Sinndar88

      Sinndar88 Member

      Jun 17, 2014
      Likes Received:
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      how does the mobile banking work? does it deposit on Mobile Bank cooldown? or on X amount of G
    13. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      When the player is under the MinBagslots - it checks the Guild Bank to see if it's on cooldown.
      If it's not, it uses it - then continues to the vendor routine.

      I'm thinking about removing it out of the vendor routine so that it's used anytime it's off cooldown.
    14. Isi

      Isi New Member

      May 13, 2014
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      Yes thats it the bot dont kill all mops in the necropilies
    15. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      I just sent an update out that forces the mailbox coordinates to the SVN and ZIP.
    16. Sinndar88

      Sinndar88 Member

      Jun 17, 2014
      Likes Received:
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      Also as a side note, i'll be running a char with tailoring and skinning thru Gun'drak Heavy pulls sell all and after an hour or so ill link a farm value
    17. Sinndar88

      Sinndar88 Member

      Jun 17, 2014
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      so running for just under an hour, EMPTY bag before hand... i have
      GPH 379g
      GPH (+Bag Value) 884g
      Farm Score 133
      Farm Score (+Bag Value) 245

      thats with 1 runs worth of items in my bag like i said, without anything else in my bags when i started.
      and thats with tailoring and skinning (but i dont think theres much to skin)
    18. Dartagnan

      Dartagnan New Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      Hey there, i have some basic question about this profile. I havent found some guide to set it up...tried it myself but with no luck at all. I am trying to run low lvl dungeons (RFC in this case) to farm green item for my enchanter. When i load the respective profile, it writes this Warning: Could not parse While body node; Changing current profile to Frostfever's Razorfen Kraul Endless Farm. When i tried it in Deadmines it doesnt start up and says You have not selected a Dungeon/Scenario/Raid type. I am using DungeonBuddy from the scroll list (not sure if its the correct one). So if anyone can tell me how to set it up, what bot to use i would be very gratefull.
    19. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      Not bad, not bad.


      All Azyul profiles use the Questing botbase.
      DungeonBuddy doesn't use profiles and is for running 5 man dungeon groups.

      Also, a lot of the old-world farm profiles are being rebuilt.
      They're almost two years old now, which means they use a lot of old code methods that are now depreciated.
    20. ppbing

      ppbing New Member

      Jul 11, 2014
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      First of all, I REALLY APPRECIATE ALL YOUR WORK!IT'S FABULOUS. :) It has worked perfectly for me, except the bot always goes to the normal vendor routine after the bag is full instead of using my Traveler's Mammoth,which I own it.(I am using the Gundrak EXTRA-Selleverything profile). Can you help me solve this issue?

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